“ | The Divided Courts call us beasts, dismiss us as wild creatures who must be forever their inferiors. If only they knew how bestial they seem to us. If only they cared. | ” |
–Tybalt, Of Strange Oaths |
Tybalt is the King of the Court of Cats in San Francisco and has an ever-evolving relationship with October Daye. He first appears in Rosemary and Rue.
As a royal Cait Sidhe, he possesses more power than most, as well as the inherent ability to lead by might. He first became King of Cats of Londinium at the time of the Great Fire of London in 1666, killing his father for the throne. He ruled there until 1713[5], and became King of Dreaming Cats in San Francisco in the 1800s.[6]
Tybalt has black streaks in his hair like a tabby cat, cut practically short to show his subtly pointed ears. His eyes are a deep, clear green with a feline pupil. He doesn't freckle or tan.[7] His canines are a little too sharp to look human. His features are considered too strong to be classically beautiful for fae.[8] His human disguise smooths away the black streaks in his hair and shifts his eyes to hazel.
Tybalt keeps his promises, but only shows respect to those he feels deserve it. He is generally arrogant towards the members of most other species of fae, including lords, ladies and monarchs, as befits a cat.
In his early days, he pities changelings as lesser beings but believes them at least worthy of the respect one would show a pet.[9] He falls in love with a human woman, who dies in childbirth. Tybalt associates the pain of his loss with the changeling stillborn and develops an overall hatred of changelings.[10] His views change once again as he gets to know Toby, and he longs to raise children of his own with her.[11]
Tybalt holds contempt for the Divided Courts due to the suffering they brought upon him. He holds particular resentment to Heydon and Lettice for their roles in the deaths of his Selkie lover Dylan, the Cait Sidhe under his care - Chalcedony being murdered to spite him for his role in keeping September and Malcolm together, and for the suffering they brought upon his niece Cailin for being Santon's illegitimate daughter with Colleen. His resentment intensifies with the Divided Courts when the monarchy in New York refuse to treat his human wife Anne and she and their unborn daughter dies as a result.
Tybalt is good with children, shown in his affection toward Raj and his niece Cailin.[12] He is also defensive of Toby's role as Gillian's mother, seeing as how he had Cait Sidhe guards stationed at her house when Rayseline kidnapped her and corrected Janet when she referred to her as her mother. At his wedding reception with Toby, he accepts that Gillian doesn't view him as her stepfather, yet still encourages her to reconnect with Toby.
Tybalt is fond of quoting from the works of William Shakespeare, for whose character in Romeo & Juliet he named himself. He tends to speak in flowery, high-flown language when he is stressed or trying to get a rise out of Toby. Once Toby introduces him to the marvels of television technology, he starts ordering DVD recordings of his favorite Shakespeare plays to watch at home.[13]
As a Cait Sidhe he can control how catlike his human form looks, with a heightened level of control that may be attributed to his father's influence.[12] Most of the time he resembles a classic Daoine Sidhe and has been described as "walking sex appeal."[14] When he is very comfortable or scared, he allows the stripes of his tabby form to appear on his human skin.
As a King of Cats, Tybalt has a notable set of abilities:
- Unhindered access to travel the Shadow Roads and take passengers along with him
- Transform fully between cat and human
- Cast basic illusions, and sees through illusions as well
- Open doors between the deepest Court of Cats and the Summerlands
- Create Courts by hewing small spaces out of the Shadows and keeping them open, essentially as temporary shallowings, until they are no longer needed
- Command loyalty of Cait Sidhe and mortal cats alike
- A superb fighter: "He was suddenly everywhere, made of nothing but fangs and claws and fury, snarling like a chainsaw trying to sing opera."[15]
- Come back from the dead an unspecified number of times
Tybalt, originally named Rand, was born in the 1646 and was adopted by King Ainmire of the Court of Fogbound Cats.[16] He was only adopted because Ainmire couldn't sire his own Royal heir, so Ainmire thrust him onto the Shadow Roads at eight years old to test whether Rand was truly a Prince of Cats. Rand passed the tests and was allowed to live. In 1662 he started hanging around the Duke's Theatre as a cat, watching shows whenever he could get away from court.
In the Series[]
in 1666, Tybalt - still going by Rand - learns about the fire and plague that will soon come to London. When his father, King Ainmire refuses to evacuate the court, he challenges him for the throne and wins, though his sister Jill dies in the process.[16] Upon taking his throne, he takes the name Tybalt. He then banishes all Cait Sidhe from London for their own safety but remains to hold the throne from others who would move into the territory.
Forbid the Sea[]
In 1676, a decade after the great London Fire, Tybalt takes a ship out of London on a whim. In the fishing town it lands in, he meets a freshly turned Selkie named Dylan.[17] For six weeks they were lovers and Tybalt showed Dylan all over London. Then Dylan's family caught up with him to punish him for his crimes.
1600s-1700s: Tybalt Shorts - Londinium Timeline[]
Ahead are significant details from the Patreon stories. Read at your own risk!
Some years later, his solitude is interrupted by the return of his sister Colleen and her half-Daoine Sidhe daughter Cailin.[18] Tybalt must rebuild his court to keep them safe, as well as seek help from his old friend September to train Cailin in the Daoine Sidhe of her heritage. His interactions with September cause their own troubles, for the regents of Londinium dislike both September and Cailin for their families and bloodlines.[19] The Londinium regents wage an dirty war against both cats and Cait Sidhe, only stopped by Tybalt agreeing to leave London entirely and ceding his throne to Colleen.[20]
"The Divided Courts call us beasts, dismiss us as wild creatures who must be forever their inferiors. If only they knew how bestial they seem to us. If only they cared." - Tybalt
He spends some years under Morane of Amorica's hospitality, where he uncovers a plot against Morane and shows kindness to a changeling housemaid.[21]
Concerned about the absence of Cait Sidhe and the disrepair of the Shadow Roads in Amorica, he declares himself King of the Court of Silvered Cats. However, this triggers a curse set by the Firstborn Isengrin, forcing all Cait Sidhe and Daoine Sidhe to despise one another. Tybalt, thinking especially of September Torquill, is horrified at his new murderous urges. Tybalt seeks out Hirsent, who tells him he must kill Ealhstan before she will lift the curse.[9] While searching for Ealhstan, Tybalt encounters a mysterious Roane child who says Tybalt's quest may fulfill a long-standing prophecy. The child helps Tybalt on his journey and promises they will meet again someday. Tybalt finds Ealhstan, who kills himself before Tybalt must do it, and Hirsent lifts the curse. [22]
Tybalt eventually travels to America, where he becomes King of Dreaming Cats in San Francisco.
Strangers in Court[]
When Julie and Toby encounter a magical earthquake in the heart of San Francisco, Tybalt appears and tries unsuccessfully to keep Toby from jumping into the resulting crater.
Rosemary and Rue[]
In 2009, Tybalt is the King of Cats of San Francisco. He taunts October in an alley, and she grumbles about his tendency to show up and bother her at unexpected times.[23]
"I go where the urge takes me, October; you should know that by now. All places are alike to me, and today I wanted to check on my little fish. To see where she was ...swimming." -Tybalt
When Toby later comes to him asking to keep a hope chest safe,Tybalt made a formal magical promise to October Daye to keep the chest safe from enemies, putting Toby in his debt.[24] When Toby is injured trying to access the Tea Gardens, Tybalt carries her to Lily for healing.[24] Soon after, Tybalt saves Toby and Julie from a Redcap attacker, killing it.[15] Later, Toby seeks him out and he gives her his shirt, which was bloodied in the Redcap attack, so that she can ride the blood and learn more about the attacker. He stops Julie from attacking Toby within the Court, and when Toby rides the blood, she catches one of Tybalt's own memories: "…she's come back to me".[25]
A Local Habitation[]
"I'm a cat. We aren't required to make sense." -Tybalt
Tybalt finds Toby stumbling drunk home after a night of partying with her friends. He gives her his jacket and carries her safely home through the shadows. When Sylvester calls, Tybalt answers and takes a message.
“Get a can of tuna and go around the park calling ‘here, kitty kitty.’" -Toby, on summoning Tybalt
Toby requests Tybalt's help in solving the murders at ALH Computing, reaching out through Marcia. He is offended at the method she told Marcia to use to call him, but is further outraged to learn that Tamed Lightning did not inform the neighbouring Courts of Cats about Barbara Lynch's death, and travels to Tamed Lightning to help Toby investigate. Once there, he is quick to threaten the ALH employees who either allowed Toby to be beat up or attacked her outright. He helps Toby confront the killer, but is wary after seeing her work blood magic.
An Artificial Night[]
Tybalt keeps his distance from Toby for several months after the events in Tamed Lightning. He returns to ask for her help finding a number of missing Cait Sidhe children. When Toby returns from Blind Michael's Realm after rescuing Raj, Tybalt won't allow Toby to break up a fight between Raj and Julie, although he finally breaks it up himself. He all-but-thanks Toby for saving the Cait Sidhe children and acknowledges that the “lie” that made him upset and avoid her was not in fact her fault, although he refuses to explain further.
Tybalt, with the Luidaeg's tip, rescues Toby from the Wild Hunt as they try to reclaim her for Blind Michael. Although he insists on carrying her through the Shadow Roads, he collapses at the end of their journey and briefly dies from a hidden injury. Later, when Toby truly is taken by the Hunt, Tybalt joins Toby's allies and rescues her through the trials of Tam Lin. He is the only one that can contain her when she shifts into a lioness, using his influence as King to calm her down.
Following these events, Tybalt disappears yet again for a month or more.
Late Eclipses[]
“In the interests of friendship, I hope you’ll forgive me what I’m about to do.” He clamped his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply.
When Toby is summoned to the Court in the Mists, Tybalt kisses her in order to publicly "settle" their debts so that the False Queen will discount him as one of Toby's allies. In response, Toby slaps him as a distraction so she can slip away from Court. Despite outward appearances, Tybalt helps her as she fights murder charges and investigates the source of Lily and Luna's illnesses. He comforts her when she starts hallucinating Oleander, and asks for her help when Cait Sidhe also become ill. At Toby's request, Tybalt vows to kill her if she becomes truly insane.
"He all but burns with what he doesn't say to you.” -Lily to Toby
When Toby discovers the truth of Amandine's blood, Tybalt reveals that he has known suspected it since at least the events of Tamed Lightning, and her shifting blood is what caused his animosity when she first returned from the pond. Toby is imprisoned by the Queen, and Tybalt leads the rescue mission to free her from execution. He urges Toby to shift her blood to negate the iron poisoning from her cell, and she does.
When Walther formulates a cure for Oleander's poison, Tybalt makes it available to the ill Cait Sidhe and they recover.
One Salt Sea[]
Tybalt visits Toby's home after more than a month of absence. He and Connor stare one another down, and Tybalt reminds Connor of his duties to Saltmist. Toby berates Tybalt for giving her the silent treatment for so long, and as she changes clothes Raj teaches Tybalt Toby’s coffee order. Tybalt offers allyship and protection to Goldengreen in the coming war; Toby accepts on behalf of her people.
Tybalt decides to go with her to Shadowed Hills and grits through his discomfort with riding in a car rather than take the Shadow Roads without her, though he shifts into cat form for the next car ride on Toby’s suggestion. He disparages the oncoming war and its consequences, remembering the War of Silences. The Luidaeg uses blood from Toby, Tybalt, and herself to make a charm that will allow Toby to visit Saltmist.
Tybalt and Toby visit Shadowed Hills next, and when greeting Sylvester Tybalt shows notable respect for a Cait Sidhe monarch. Later, he sets his cats to looking for clues at Toby's request. One of his lookouts, Gabriel, reports that Gillian, Toby's changeling daughter, has been kidnapped and he transports Toby to Gillian's house. He stands with her against Cliff and Miranda and identifies Rayseline's magic signature nearby. He and Toby try to follow the trail, but something is obscuring it. They are attacked by goblins and when Toby is in danger, Tybalt throws her alone onto the Shadow Roads for her own safety.
They discover where Gillian is being held. Although the Cait Sidhe cannot directly interfere in the politics of the Divided Courts, Tybalt puts his cats on passive guard duty in Muir Woods. Tybalt directly helps Toby in the ensuing confrontation and he knocks Rayseline unconscious with elf-shot. He helps Toby track down Dean and Peter deeper in the knowe.
"Will you ever learn that I am not a bloodhound?" -Tybalt
Once Gillian is recovered and her memory wiped, Tybalt transports her to a human part of the city, calls 911, and watches over her until the human police arrive.
Ashes of Honor[]
Tybalt swoops in to save Toby when a confrontation with goblin fruit dealers goes wrong. She sends him chasing after the dealers, and when she is then taken into custody by the human police Tybalt meets her at the station. Though she has been avoiding him and putting a strain on their relationship these last few months, Toby invites Tybalt inside as a peace offering. Tybalt listens at the door as Etienne tells Toby about his missing daughter. He urges Toby to turn the case over to Sylvester, thinking her reckless, but she refuses.
"I can forgive you your foolishness only because I know how lost you are. But one day, you'll have to come back home. When you do, I hope you'll find me waiting" -Tybalt
Chelsea's portal from a Fire Kingdoms rips through the Court of the Cats, injuring many, taking Raj, and briefly killing Tybalt. He recruits Toby to help him find Raj. Samson confronts them, angry that Tybalt brought an outsider into the court. Tybalt wishes he had banished Samson and raised Raj as his own son, rather than letting the power-hungry cat remain in the court.
"I ask you to consider this. I got better. I will always get better...Some of us, October, will not leave you.” -Tybalt
Tybalt recognizes that Raj is Toby’s squire in all but name, and he asks for her help in getting Raj back. He drops Toby off at UC Berkeley so she can get a portal-nullifying potion, then goes to tend to his court.
Later, when Toby visits the Court of Dreamer's Glass, Tybalt rescues her from discovery by Riordan's guards. Toby is so delighted, she jokes about kissing him. Tybalt returns them to the antechamber where Quentin and Li Quin worriedly wait. Tybalt takes Toby up on her “offer” and kisses her deeply; to her own surprise she kisses him right back before he steps away into the shadows.
Afterward, they reconvene at Tamed Lightning. Tybalt chides Toby for worrying her allies with her recklessness. They brainstorm about finding Raj and wonder if the young cat is somewhere that he can’t access the Shadow Roads. Tybalt takes Toby to Shadowed Hills and notes that she is not longer scared and resistant on the Shadow Roads. They seek out Luna and ask for her help in reaching Raj. Luna opens them a path on the Rose Roads, and Tybalt uses his powers as King to finds Raj’s magical signature. He and Toby break an opening through the wall of the Road and come out in Annwn, where they find Raj who is overcome with relief. They return to Shadowed Hills via the Rose Roads.
“My dear October, we are bound by an enchanted rose made from the hair of a Duchess, and my blood is covering your hand. You can learn anything you wish to know about me merely by licking you fingers." Tybalt laughed a little. "Yes, you may ask me a question.”
Toby and Tybalt take the shadows to Tamed Lightning but are caught in an ambush by Samson. Tybalt is attacked and Toby nearly stranded on the inhospitable road. They escape to a mortal alley where Shade, the local Queen of Cats, guards them long enough to recover. Toby thanks Tybalt for defending her. In turn, Tybalt tells her about his human wife of long ago who died in childbirth. He confesses his love for Toby, wanting to say it in case he is about to die. They kiss, sweetly.
“You have an uncanny ear for the things I most wish you would forget, while willfully and continually forgetting the things I wish you would remember.” -Tybalt
One of Shade’s cats calls a warning. Samson and his allies have come, determined to kill Tybalt and make Raj a puppet king. Before the fight can start in earnest, Chelsea rips through a portal and Toby and Tybalt race through her exit route to escape. Toby and Tybalt make it back to Tamed Lightning, but Chelsea is once again lost.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve loved someone, but I know what it feels like. When you turn from me, it hurts. When you think badly of me, I think badly of myself. When you do stupid, suicidal things, I want to slap you upside the head and demand to know how you can be so brilliant and so blind at the same time. If that’s not love, what is it?
"I’ve been patient. I’ve given you time to recognize my feelings, and I’ve seen you choose a man who loved the girl you were, not the woman you are. Now he’s gone, and I can’t be patient anymore. I love you, October. I’ll be sorry if we die here, but I won’t be sorry I helped you… and I won’t be sorry I finally told you.” -Tybalt
Tybalt is in bad shape from the fight. As they stagger through Tamed Lightning, he says he intends to court Toby properly and wishes Toby to know all that he is, even the darker parts of his past. They find their allies and Tybalt collapses. Jin heals Tybalt. Raj arrives armed with a pistol and a promise to kill Tybalt, who immediately realizes that Raj has been pressured by Samson. Tybalt talks Raj out of it; Raj is not strong enough to kill Tybalt in a fair fight or to hold the Throne of Cats. Tybalt tells Toby that he can’t go back to the Court of Cats right now or he’ll have to stay until the Samson situation is resolved. He professes how long his heart has belonged to her, and for the first time, she initiates a kiss.
“October, in the years since your return...has anything not been in some way related to [loving you]? You handed me a hope chest in a dark alley. You took my heart as collateral, and you’ve never returned it.” -Tybalt
Tybalt and Toby take the Shadow Roads to Dreamer's Glass, but Riordan closes the roads behind them and takes them both captive. Tybalt is bound in iron manacles that leave him weak even after Toby breaks him free. He follows Toby into Annwn and they get their allies out, trapping Riordan in Faerie.
After the battle is over, Tybalt visits and Toby tells him that she loves him and has for a long time. She invites him inside.
No Sooner Met[]
Tybalt takes October to Cat in the Rafters on their first official date. Everything goes well until dessert, when Blake, one of Samson's loyalists, attempts to poison them with a chocolate cake. Tybalt notifies him of Samson's death, then deals with the young Cait Sidhe by banishing him from the Court of Dreaming Cats.
Chimes at Midnight[]
As Toby races to prevent her own exile and find the lost Princess in the Mists, Arden Windermere, Tybalt helps her as much as he is able. They are implied to be sleeping together, and pause to make out during lulls in the action - even if they sometimes gross-out Quentin. When Toby overdoses on goblin fruit, Tybalt nearly kills Sylvester for sending him away without explanation. Tybalt is frustrated every time Toby sends him away but understands the importance of the tasks, even as he worries for her safety.
He and Toby are eventually trapped in the False Queen's iron dungeons with a heavily poisoned Nolan Windermere after Toby manages to regain the fae nature she lost, and he unsuccessfully tries to get her to shift her blood once more to survive. Toby finds another solution - drink Nolan's blood to use his teleportation magic, and they manage to find a cure for their iron poisoning.
Tybalt is one of Toby's allies who is mesmerised by the False Queen into attacking Toby. The compulsion breaks when Toby removes the False Queen's Siren blood.
"October, I meant it when I told you I was not leaving you. I will never leave you while both of us are living. You were not quite this human when I met you, and you were far less human when I finally allowed myself to love you. But the essential core of your being has remained the same no matter what the balance of your blood." -Tybalt
The Winter Long[]
Tybalt supports Toby as she deals with both Simon's and Evening's returns. Several times, he separates from the team at Toby's request to play messenger. When he takes Toby and Quentin to Goldengreen via the Shadow Roads and they nearly drown, he grabs Quentin but is forced to leave before he can find Toby. He fears she is dead and feels relieved and guilt-ridden when Raj brings her to the Court of Cats.
When things have quieted down, Tybalt proposes marriage to Toby. They have been dating for six months. He says he was trying to take things slow for her sake, but recent events have shown him how precious little time they have together, and he doesn't want to waste a moment of it. She accepts.
A Red-Rose Chain[]
Tybalt goes with Toby to the Kingdom of Silences as she tries to prevent war with the Mists. While there, he takes her to visit Jolgeir, the local King of Cats and Tybalt's friend, and is rather bemused by Toby's adeptness at using public transport to shake a pursuer.
When the False Queen gravely injures Toby, Tybalt finally decides enough is enough and attempts to kill the False Queen. Toby manages to talk him down, and Marlis provides elf-shot as an alternative. Tybalt is forced to watch as Toby hits herself with elf-shot in the process of putting King Rhys to sleep, and is the first to greet her when she awakens.
Once Broken Faith[]
Tybalt distances himself from Toby when he learns of the upcoming conclave, not wanting the Divided Courts to think that the Court of Cats is beholden to them. He makes a scene of joining the conclave uninvited, both he and Raj playing their roles of haughty cats, but later arranges for refreshments for Toby and her teenagers and relaxes with them in private.
Amid the attacks that are plaguing the conclave, Tybalt is hit with a harpoon. Toby frantically calls for help and administers CPR as Tybalt lies unresponsive, and from the blood on his lips Toby catches memories of his time as a young king as well as his feelings toward her. Siwan uses Toby's blood to heal Tybalt, but the damage is too great to heal completely. Toby decides to administer pure elf-shot--only the sleep agent, no poison or tricks--to give him time to heal. Tybalt resists at first but she promises to wait for him even if it means turning herself fully fae. Later, when the cure is approved for use, Tybalt is one of the first people awakened and is delighted to find Toby still her changeling self.
The Brightest Fell[]
While Toby attends her bachelorette party, Tybalt remains at their Victorian house to teach Raj about kingship. They fall asleep, Raj piled on top of Tybalt, who fondly wakes Raj up when Toby returns home. He and Toby flirt and make out after Raj leaves, but are interrupted by Amandine, who demands Toby find her long-missing sister August. Amandine takes Tybalt and Jazz hostage as collateral, forcibly shifting both of them into their animal forms and locking them in enchanted thorn cages.
Amandine keeps them in her root center for the duration of Toby's quest, not bothering to give them food, water, or light. When Toby comes to rescue them, Tybalt is more feral than Jazz and Jin cannot convince him to shift back to his human form. Toby must draw on her own magic, as well as the memory of his own, to remind him what it means to shapeshift. He returns home with her but is traumatized from the experience, and is properly introduced to August when the latter checks up on both Toby and Tybalt with an apology and the veiled request of finding Simon.
Night and Silence[]
Tybalt has been spending less and less time with Toby, disappearing for days and weeks without word. He avoids any attempt she makes to talk about his trauma or try to help him through it; he is ashamed of his weakness and would rather hide from her than address it, withdrawing from her completely - with Raj being the only in-between for Toby and Tybalt.
Shade knows about Janet's courtyard in Berkeley, but tells Toby that Tybalt did not; Toby is relieved that he hadn't been keeping such a big secret from her.
After Raj tells him about Gillian being kidnapped and Toby endangering her life once more, he arrives in time to rescue Toby from the Baobhan Sith, leaving the monster trapped on the Shadow Roads. He apologizes to Toby for his absence and makes it clear he considers himself damaged and unworthy of her. She gently insists that she wants to help him with the healing process and that she doesn't think any less of him.
He accompanies Toby as quiet backup as she checks in at Goldengreen and the Marks home. He is horrified when Miranda is revealed to be Janet Carter - both Toby's grandmother and the one who broke Maeve's last Ride, and is quick to show disgust when Janet fondly remembers her father spoiling her.
When they go to the false Queen's knowe, he and Toby use the Shadow Roads to sneak up on the False Queen and are once again confronted by the Baobhan Sith. They fight it off and reach the false Queen only to find she is expecting them and has Gillian captive. Gillian is hit with elf-shot and Toby instructs Tybalt to take Gillian to the Luidaeg. He does, and the Luidaeg opens her wards to him so he may come and go from her apartment as he pleases. She only does so because she knows he'll be respectful and not abuse her trust.
Tybalt returns to the false Queen's showdown and drags the Baobhan Sith with him out of the Shadow Roads, siccing it on the False Queen. He nearly kills Jocelyn for endangering Toby, breaking her wrist in the process, but Toby convinces him to let her go to trial. Toby has been stabbed with a Folletti blade and asks Tybalt to remove it from her back. She refuses to let Tybalt tell her Gillian's fate since she knows she'll fall apart either way, and he patiently stands by her as she deals with politics and logistics. Then he takes her to the Luidaeg's, and leaves her to face Gillian while he goes to pick up elf-shot cure from Walther. Afterward, he takes Toby to Muir Woods to reconvene with their allies. Dugan reveals himself and Tybalt uses the Shadow Roads to follow him, along with Toby, back to the false Queen's knowe. They defeat Dugan and Toby allows herself to cry on Tybalt.
At home after things have calmed down, May advises Toby on how to help Tybalt heal from his trauma. Tybalt makes sandwiches for the whole household; feeding one's family is important among the Cait Sidhe.
He joins Toby on a visit to Portland, where they visit Jolgeir. Tybalt admits the troubles he's been having and asks if Jolgier's daughter Ginevra would hold his throne, acting as regent for Raj, while Tybalt takes time away to heal.
The Unkindest Tide[]
Tybalt is waiting at home when Toby returns from cracking a mortal PI case, and they banter as the household all grabs the takeout dinners Toby brought. He tells Toby that he intends to contribute to the household concerning groceries and such, and that he has a bank account with sufficient human funds to give his fair share of supporting their family, revealing that he did so in honour of his late wife Anne, who disapproved of him stealing from mortals. He makes a lewd joke, and Jazz laughs, and it seems like both shapeshifters are on the path to healing.
Toby and Tybalt get intimate that night but are interrupted by the Luidaeg at their door. The Luidaeg announces the impending gathering and end of the Selkies. It is revealed that she insisted Tybalt be brought over to the Duchy of Ships to protect him from Amandine, whom she believes would still punish Toby for pushing her away and defying her.
A few days before they are set to leave for the Duchy of Ships, Toby lies awake in bed with Tybalt, who tells her a little about what it was like when Firstborn still walked freely amongst their children. Toby admits that she's nervous about her impending visit to tell Gillian about the coming event and its consequence for her humanity. After dressing, Tybalt takes the two of them through the Shadow Roads to Gillian's house. At Gillian's request, Tybalt and Toby release their illusions, and Toby tells Gillian and Janet about the convocation.
The travelers all arrive at the docks separately. They sail to the Duchy of Ships, where a sailor introduces Tybalt first of their party, forcing him to separate from Toby for the dignity of a King of Cats. He accompanies Toby throughout her duties and when Dianda's brother holds a coup in Saltmist, he provides the Luidaeg his blood so that Toby and Quentin can rescue Peter.
Later, when Toby is attacked by Torin, Tybalt takes her through the Shadow Roads to safety and must pull a vicious knife out of her back, horrified when a piece of vertebrae comes with it. He provides her with blood straight from his wrist to help her heal. Tybalt also confides into Toby about his experience with the Roane, helping her realise that Torin's arrest of Dianda was a ploy to sabotage the Convocation of Consequences. Torin takes Gillian captive, and Tybalt attacks him in time to free Gillian. He stands witness to Toby binding the Selkies to their skins, making them Roane, and catches her when she collapses from overexertion.
A Killing Frost[]
Tybalt arranges a surprise date for Toby at the Cat in the Rafters. He has been slowly handing his monarch duties over to Raj and looks forward to the day that he gives up his throne in order to wed Toby, though he is anxious about the length of their engagement and Toby's avoidance of the topic. Before they can talk further, they are interrupted by Patrick and Dianda who tell Toby she must invite Simon to the wedding. Tybalt knows such rules of pureblood etiquette and has been keeping this detail from Toby so that she may used ignorance as a defence. He is very displeased that Patrick enlightened her.
Karen has prophecized that Tybalt cannot join Toby on this quest, so he leaves her to attend his court while she searches for Simon in the Summerlands. However, when Simon hits Toby with elf-shot, Quentin calls for Tybalt's help and he brings them both to the Luidaeg's via the Shadow Roads. When Toby takes on Simon's debt and forgets her relationship with Tybalt, Tybalt is heartbroken. When she regains her memories, he is furious with her for risking their relationship so casually, though understands the reason why. He then tells Toby to let him jump with her if she plans on endangering her life, and he is also merciful to Simon, aware that Evening's influence on any of her descendants is too hard to resist.
When they realize that Simon doesn't know Patrick is alive, Tybalt and Toby drag him to Goldengreen to see the Lordens, reaffirming that he refuses to share Toby when it was revealed that Dianda and Patrick plan on marrying Simon. He attends the resulting divorce and marriage proceedings, though has been keeping closer watch of Toby ever since her bringing Simon and Oberon back home.
When Sorrows Come[]
Tybalt finally marries Toby despite the attempted coup led by Absalom Shallcross.
Be the Serpent[]
Tybalt comforts Toby after she has a nightmare of her experience in the pond as an enchanted koi. They attend Rayseline's trial and after she is awoken, Toby claims offense against her for her actions against Gillian as Raysel requested, which Luna vehemently denies. Tybalt's attempt to intervene under the grounds of being Gillian's stepfather is equally rebuffed until Dianda finally intervenes.
After the trial, he assists Toby in investigating Jessica's murder and the discovery of Stacy being Titania. This unfortunately leaves him at the mercy of Titania's thrall, as Titania had raised his Firstborn Malvic and he is repeatedly bespelled into working against Toby.
After Titania's last stand against Toby, he discovers that Toby is pregnant with their first child. However, he is unable to celebrate as Titania invades their home and bespells Toby with possibly illusion magic.
Sleep No More / The Innocent Sleep[]
Tybalt, Raj, and Ginevra are the only ones among their land allies unaffected by Titania's spell. Tybalt splits his time between caring for the Cait Sidhe trapped in the Court of Cats and looking for ways to release Toby from the spell.
October Daye[]
"Dawn comes, the moon rises, and Tybalt hates me.”[26]
Although they are initially tense acquaintances since Tybalt blames Toby for taking Julie away from the Court of Cats,[26] Tybalt grows to love Toby across her heroic adventures. Though she does not see it for many years, his frequent absences and unexpected appearances reflect his internal struggle with loving her. He truly counts himself as her ally when he helps rescue her from Blind Michael,[27] and from there finds excuses to be near her and even kiss her,[28][29] even though she doesn't understand the depths of his feelings. When Toby starts dating Connor O'Dell, Tybalt keeps his distance and waits in the hopes that she will change her mind about Connor.[30] He finally professes his love while under attack from Samson, thinking that he might die before he tells Toby the truth. Toby responds wholeheartedly and they begin dating once the danger has passed.[29] After a few months and several near-death experiences Tybalt proposes, and Toby accepts.[31] They have been engaged for two years, and Tybalt is beginning to worry about Toby's commitment issues.[31][32]
"He is my family" -Toby[33]
Tybalt stands with Toby and helps her on her many adventures, although he is often pulled away by duties to his court. Neither is happy about his long absences, but they make it work. He implies that he would much rather Toby keep her changeling balance than turn fully fae; he would rather have her be the woman he fell in love with for a limited period of time than become someone else and live forever. That said, he will embrace and love her however she ultimately chooses to shift her blood. He is very supportive of Toby's role as Gillian's mother, even correcting Janet when she refers to herself as her mother.
"The sun rose; the tide turned; Tybalt loved me."[34]
Raj is a Prince of Cats and Tybalt's chosen heir. Tybalt tends to be a bit softhearted concerning Raj, allowing Samson and Opal to remain in Raj's life and giving him the freedom to act as Toby's unofficial squire alongside Quentin.[28] This is especially unusual since most successions in the Court of Cats result in the old King's death, but Tybalt's long-term plan is to cede his title to Raj relatively peacefully. As he prepares to wed Toby, Tybalt steps up Raj's training to take over as King of Cats.[35] After Tybalt is traumatized by Amandine's captivity, he steps down as King of Cats and appoints Ginevra as his regent to help Raj rule until Raj is ready to take the throne himself.[36]
Sylvester Torquill[]
Tybalt and Sylvester have known each other since boyhood in London, when Tybalt had a crush on Sylvester's sister. Before Tybalt and Toby start dating, Sylvester is one of the rare Divided Court nobles who Tybalt actually respects. They are on friendly terms and Tybalt visits Shadowed Hills relatively frequently. However, their relationship is fractured after Toby overdoses on goblin fruit and Sylvester sends Tybalt away.[29] Tybalt completely loses respect for Sylvester when its revealed that he lied to Toby for years about Simon being her stepfather by fae law, and reveals his contempt of Sylvester during his and Toby's wedding over Sylvester interfering with Tybalt and September's relationship.
Simon Torquill[]
In the present, Tybalt's view of Simon is particularly negative, especially in regards to what he did to Toby and especially for the lengths Toby took to bring his way home back. He is understanding of Simon's actions, however has no intention of forgiving him. Regardless of this, Simon is supportive of their marriage and considers Tybalt a good man.[37]
They were friendlier in their youth, when Tybalt lived around the Torquill family in Londinium. According to their mutual friend Morane, Simon once tripped and accidentally stabbed Tybalt with his gathering knife. Instead of being upset, Tybalt simply looked at the clumsy boy in deep disappointment. Simon spent a summer trying to apologize him, while Tybalt thinks "a little light stabbing between friends" is nothing to worry about.[38]
The Queen of Cats in San Francisco, and Tybalt's "opposite number." They each have separate courts and territories, and are not allowed to interfere in each other's business. However, when Samson attempts regicide Shade and her cats stand watch for Tybalt and Toby while they recover from their injuries.[29] Shade shows concern for Tybalt during his recovery period after being Amandine's captive.
Tybalt is old friends with the King of Whispering Cats. He takes Toby to visit Jolgeir when they are in Portland, and empathizes with Jolgeir's worries over a mortal wife.[39] After Tybalt is traumatized by being held captive by Amandine, he trusts Jolgeir enough to admit his weakness and ask for Jolgeir's daughter Ginevra to stand as regent in the Court of Dreaming Cats.[36]
Gillian Marks[]
Despite interacting only briefly and Gillian's stance on Tybalt's role in her life, Tybalt shows care for his stepdaughter. He was even willing to claim offense on Toby's behalf for her, publicly identifying her as her stepdaughter.
Anne O'Toole[]
Tybalt lived with his human wife Anne in New York, called the Kingdom of Pines[40]. She became pregnant, but there were complications and she died in childbirth. He sought help among the Fae but they were all too prejudiced to save a human and her changeling child. Anne's death haunts Tybalt to this day, especially when he sees Toby covered in blood.[39][11] He still thinks of Anne, and even maintains a mortal bank account out of respect to her.
Ahead are significant details from the Patreon stories. Read at your own risk!
Colleen and Cailin[]
Tybalt's sister and niece. For their sake, Tybalt reassembles the empty Court Fogbound Cats in order to protect them from Heydon and Lettice of Londinium, who hate that their Daoine Sidhe son is Cailin's father. Tybalt cherishes Colleen and Cailin both, making Colleen his heir and raising Cailin practically as his own. He is willing to go to war with the Divided Courts, if need be, in order to protect his niece. Out of necessity, Colleen takes the throne from Tybalt and banishes him from London, but takes care not to kill him.[19]
September Torquill[]
Tybalt had a crush on September as a young boy, living as they both did in London. She was much older than he, and Malcolm was already courting her when she and Tybalt met. She and Malcolm were married by the third time Tybalt saw her.[41] Tybalt warned September and her husband to flee before the London fires.[16] When he sees her again decades later, much of his flame toward her has cooled and he can appreciate her purely as a friend. He seeks her help to train Cailin in Daoine Sidhe magic and he protects her when the monarchs of Londinium try to dissolve her marriage to Malcolm.[42] He even brings her and Malcolm to the inner Court of Cats for safekeeping, which is treason for any Cait Sidhe but the King.[5] Tybalt noted that September was the only reason he ever associated himself with the Torquills until Toby.
Rozenn is a changeling Daoine Sidhe Tybalt takes in during the 1700s. She begins as just an obligation, as his protection keeps Queen Morane from killing her for being an accessory to her father's scheming.[43] Over several decades together, she becomes like a daughter to him.[44]
- Tybalt is bisexual.[17]
- When he was young, he would sometimes shift into a cat while sleeping (although never the other way around).[17]
- Tybalt is disturbed at the sight of hairless sphynx cats, as he reacts in revulsion at Ripley, the resident sphynx cat at Borderlands.[45]
- Tybalt is of Malvic's line.[46]
Word of God[]
- Tybalt was not originally meant to be Toby's love interest. That changed while McGuire was writing book 4, specifically when Toby asked Tybalt to kill her and he took no joy in the thought.[47]
- If Toby and friends were to play Dungeons and Dragons, Tybalt would get partway through character creation before wandering off, uninterested.[48]
- His hair is roughly the length of Andrew Lee Porter's in Hatter.[49]
- Tybalt is a huge Shakespeare nerd, misses the theater vibes immensely, and hates that human culture has replaced an appreciation for dick jokes with treating the Bard as high academia.[50]
- Tybalt would approve of the 1996 movie Romeo + Juliet,[51] find Cats both amusing and horrifying,[52] and wish for more dick jokes in opera[53]
- McGuire chose Tybalt's magic signature fully aware that pennyroyal is poisonous to cats.[54]
- "I am a cat, October. I have a sense of duty, because I am a man, but no cat can be held down by duty forever. Eventually we must go where we wish to be, not where we're told. A simple banishment is not enough to see you quit of me, little fish." -Tybalt[33]
- "October, I meant it when I told you I was not leaving you. I will never leave you while both of us are living. You were not quite this human when I met you, and you were far less human when I finally allowed myself to love you. But the essential core of your being has remained the same no matter what the balance of your blood." -Tybalt[33]
- “You are covered in blood," Tybalt said again, stressing the words harder this time. "It makes me tense." There was a thud as the guard hit the floor, and Tybalt returned to my side. / "Wow. You must be tense a lot." / He sighed. "You have no idea.”[33]
- “Faerie: where it’s only a little weird to realize that my boyfriend is older than the internal combustion engine.”[33]
- “I’ve waited long enough for you to realize I was waiting. I can wait a short time more.” -Tybalt[29]
- "You don't swim for an hour after eating, you don't swan around like an idiot for an hour after narrowly avoiding death." -Jin, disparaging Tybalt's inability to stay still and rest[29]
- “I do so love how all magic comes with its share of dire warnings and unclear requirements. It's like being on the stage, only there's no director, and the understudies have all died of typhus.” -Tybalt[29]
- “I won't pretend the life I lived before you was somehow the lesser for your absence. There was no hole waiting for you to come along and fill it. I loved often, if not always well. I fought, I fled, I ruled my people, and I thought myself content. But since you have returned to us-since the waters of the Tea Gardens gave you up, and gave you back to me-not a day has passed without my considering the fragility of your smile, or the color of your eyes. You insinuated yourself into my heart like a worm into an apple, and I am consumed by you.” -Tybalt[39]
- “Each time I tell myself you have reached the summit of your strangeness, you find a way to climb still higher" -Tybalt. “Look at it this way: being married to me will never be boring.” -Toby[39]
- “You’re a nerd,” I said, and swatted him in the arm. “You seemed all cool and mysterious back when I was afraid of you, but I’m not afraid of you anymore, and I can see clearly that you are a nerd.” - Toby, to Tybalt[35]
- ↑ Rat-Catcher
- ↑ Rat-Catcher
- ↑ Ashes of Honor Ch. 17
- ↑ Be the Serpent Ch. 22
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Quick in Quarrel
- ↑ https://seanan-mcguire.livejournal.com/320961.html
- ↑ An Artificial Night, Chapter 4
- ↑ Late Eclipses, Chapter 2
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Poor Fancy's Followers
- ↑ Ashes of Honor Ch 17
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The Unkindest Tide
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Instruments of Darkness
- ↑ The Brightest Fell
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 1.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Rosemary and Rue, ch. 16
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Rat-Catcher
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Forbid the Sea
- ↑ Stage of Fools
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Instruments of Darkness, With Honest Trifles, In Deepest Consequence, Jealous in Honor, Quick in Quarrel
- ↑ Of Strange Oaths
- ↑ Dreams and Sighs
- ↑ Our Trial Patience
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, Ch. 1
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Rosemary and Rue, ch. 10
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 25
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Rosemary and Rue
- ↑ An Artificial Night
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Late Eclipses
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 Ashes of Honor
- ↑ One Salt Sea
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 The Winter Long
- ↑ A Killing Frost
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Chimes at Midnight
- ↑ Once Broken Faith
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 The Brightest Fell
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Night and Silence
- ↑ A Killing Frost Ch. 21.
- ↑ Notes of Sorrow
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 A Red-Rose Chain
- ↑ The Unkindest Tide Ch 1
- ↑ The Voice of Lions
- ↑ With Honest Trifles
- ↑ Dreams and Sighs
- ↑ Fanes That Lie
- ↑ Chimes at Midnight
- ↑ Be the Serpent
- ↑ Tumblr: Tybalt's feelings
- ↑ Transcript: Instagram Live 2-12-2021
- ↑ Tumblr: Tybalt's hair
- ↑ Tumblr: Tybalt and Shakespeare
- ↑ Tumblr: Romeo + Juliet
- ↑ Tumblr: Cats the Musical
- ↑ Tumblr: Opera
- ↑ Tumblr: Pennyroyal