October Daye Wiki
October Daye Wiki

The Three Creators of Faerie, also known as The Big Three, the King and Queens, or the Lord and Ladies — is a colloquial name for Oberon and his wives Maeve and Titania, founders and rulers of the realm of Faerie. They are the most powerful entities both politically and magically, and are revered and feared as gods. They have the power both utterly dominate or perfectly blend in among their descendants.

As the original fae, the Three essentially function as the "Adam and Eves" of Faerie. All fae are directly descended from at least one of the Three.[1] Their children are known as the Firstborn. Each Firstborn's descendant race(s) can be traced back to their Creator ancestor, with each Creator favoring different magical abilities.

The Three have been missing for roughly five hundred years. Most ordinary fae do not know why, but the Firstborn do: Maeve disappeared first, after her Wild Hunt was interrupted by Janet Carter.[2] Oberon and Titania stepped away from Faerie some years later,[3] presumably to allow the world of Faerie to shape itself without their influence, although it was revealed that Titania was banished.[citation needed] Before disappearing they sealed all but one of the deeper realms of Faerie, leaving the limited space of the Summerlands for the fae to seek refuge from humankind.

During their disappearance, the fae have produced varying interpretations of their Creators' wishes. In particular, the pureblooded fae have twisted Oberon's Law that prohibits killing one another to involve a complex series of loopholes and technicalities.

However, October had engineered the return of Oberon as of A Killing Frost.

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