Quentin Sollys is the official squire of October Daye, and son of High King Aethlin Sollys and High Queen Maida Sollys. He is in a relationship with the current Count of Goldengreen, Dean Lorden. He first appears in Rosemary and Rue.
When he is young, Quentin's hair is dandelion-yellow. As he ages, it grows more and more metallic like his father's. His eyes are a brilliant blue.
Quentin begins the series arrogant and prejudiced against both changelings and lowborn fae. He is quickly disabused of those notions and grows into a sweet, thoughtful young man. Despite being formerly prejudiced, he has a code of honour befitting a pureblood noble - he was repulsed by Toby torturing Bucer until she taught him that he would have to make those decisions himself if he wanted to be an effective knight.
Despite being raised fae, he is in many ways a typical teeanger: He owns a Summerlands-compatible MP3 player and regularly upgraded Summerlands-compatible cell phone[1], and any time food is offered, he responds with an enthusiastic will. He often stashes snacks in his pockets.[citation needed] Despite all this, he remains the tidiest member of the house and often straightens up after everyone else. Toby had to teach him that
Being from Canada, Quentin is a fan of Canadian folk music and traditional whaling songs. He has band merch for Great Big Sea[2] and quotes songs about boats for his spells.[3][4]
He originally lives in Shadowed Hills, but he moves in with Toby when he becomes her squire. He is learning blood magic from Toby. He learns illusions, courtly behavior, and traditional swordsmanship from Etienne, travelling to Shadowed Hills multiple times a week throughout his squiredom.[5] However, this responsibility may have transferred to Arden after Luna banishes anyone associated with Toby from Shadowed Hills.
He and Raj are learning lockpicking from Toby.[6]
He acquires a Hippocampus from one of the deceased members of ALH Computing and keeps it as a pet. [1][7]
Quentin's Identity[]
Ahead are significant details from When Sorrows Come (2021). Read at your own risk!
As a blind foster, only Quentin's direct liege is supposed to know his true identity. However, increasingly more fae are now aware of his parentage.
- c. 2008: Evening Winterrose persuades his parents to send him to the Mists for fostering, despite her knowing being against the inherent nature of "blind" fosterage.[8]
- c. 2008: Sylvester Torquill, as Quentin's liege, has known since the beginning of his fosterage.
- c. 2010: Raj correctly identifies him because "a cat can look upon a king." Quentin has also pulled rank when fighting Raj over the remote.[9]
- c. 2010-2012: Karen Brown learns his identity through onieromancy before Toby even knows.[10]
- 2012: Quentin reveals his parentage to Toby, Tybalt, and Arden when it appears Arden will run away from her responsibilities as heir to the Kingdom of the Mists.[11]
- 2012: May and Jazz are told since they are housemates and family.[11]
- 2012: Dean guesses after seeing Aethlin and Maida at Arden's coronation.[9]
- 2014: Canadian fae René and Mathias Lefebvre recognize him during the Convocation of Consequences. Elizabeth Ryan is present at the time.[12]
- 2014: Simon Torquill sees Quentin's identity in Toby's memories after tasting her blood.[13]
- 2015: Absalom Shallcross, disguised as Fiac, deduces Quentin's identity when they visit the High Court.[14]
- 2015: Stacy Brown takes over the squire's quarters for the duration of the wedding and says that Quentin would be sneaking off to sleep in Dean's room anyway. Nolan Windermere comments dryly on Cillian, the "stranger" standing in place of Toby's son at her wedding. At this point, it's really more of an open secret among the wedding guests from the Mists.[14]
Quentin's early education in Toronto included the best tutors available, but his parents were concerned that noble fae prejudices against changelings and commoners were having a negative effect on him.[9] With some prodding from Evening Winterrose, he is sent to Shadowed Hills for blind fosterage under Sylvester Torquill in order to protect him from potential enemies and train him for his future duties as the next High King. The fosterage begins when he was twelve. The first year or so is especially difficult; Quentin is homesick and the household still mourns Toby's disappearance.[8] He spends the first few years of his fosterage splitting his time between the court and a mortal high school.[15]
In the Series[]
Rosemary and Rue[]
14-year-old Quentin, a page in Shadowed Hills, is sent to deliver a message to October Daye from Sylvester Torquill. She refuses it. Later, he sees her when she visits Shadowed Hills and disabuses him of a number of stereotypes he had about changelings, and they grow a bit closer.
A Local Habitation[]
Sylvester sends Quentin to Tamed Lightning with Toby, thinking it will be a learning experience. Quentin is enamored with Gean-Cannah employee Terrie Olsen and spends time with April O'Leary. Toby also teaches him how to ride someone's memories using blood magic and bemoans his lack of practical combat training. As the danger at Tamed Lightning increases, Toby tries to keep Quentin out of harm's way but he is shot with a bullet and and taken captive by Gordan. Toby rescues him.
An Artificial Night[]
15-year-old Quentin seeks Toby's help when his human girlfriend, Katie, goes missing. They discover that she and a number of other children have been taken captive by Blind Michael. When Toby goes to Blind Michael's Realm to rescue them, Quentin makes his own deal with the Luidaeg to join her, meeting Raj in the process and rescuing the stolen kids. When the Luidaeg invokes the Ballad of Tam Lin to free Toby from Blind Michael's clutches, Quentin stands as one of her allies to help break the curse.
After this incident, Quentin becomes friends with the Luidaeg and regularly goes to her place to hang out.
Late Eclipses[]
Quentin helps Toby search for the source of poisoning throughout the kingdom. When Toby is arrested for murder, he helps break her out of the Queen's dungeons and puts in a word with his parents to get her pardoned.
Through This House[]
Quentin tricks Goldengreen into believing he is Evening Winterrose, allowing Toby, May, and Danny to enter. They are all captured by bogies before Toby negotiates their release.
One Salt Sea[]
Fearing he will be paired with traditionalist Etienne, Quentin asks Toby to be his knight master. She and Sylvester agree, having discussed the matter beforehand. Quentin assists Toby in searching for the kidnapped Lorden boys, and Toby teaches both him and Raj the necessity of fighting dirty against sketchy opponents. Quentin is affronted but quickly realizes the value of the lesson.
When they confront Rayseline in Muir Woods, Toby saves Quentin from several attackers, leaving Gillian vulnerable and ultimately hurt. Once Gillian is stabilized, Quentin helps Toby find Dean and Peter and uses his knowledge of the human world to figure out how to return Gillian to her mortal family. Afterward, Quentin helps Toby trick Dugan Harrow into admitting he had worked with Rayseline.
Ashes of Honor[]
16-year-old Quentin, as Toby's official squire, has moved in with her, May, and Jazz to a Victorian home provided by Sylvester. He helps her search for the missing Chelsea Ames, several times being left in charge of the car despite only having a driver's permit. When Raj is sucked into one of Chelsea's portals, Quentin is so worried that Toby threatens to sideline him if he can't focus on finding Chelsea and preventing the very fabric of Faerie from being ripped apart.
No Sooner Met[]
Before Toby and Tybalt go on their first date, Quentin questions Tybalt about his intentions toward Toby.
Chimes at Midnight[]
17-year-old Quentin helps Toby overthrow the Queen in the Mists after the Queen attempts to banish Toby from the kingdom. They find Arden Windermere, true heir to the throne in the Mists, hiding out as a mortal, and Quentin reveals his identity of Crown Prince of the Westlands to convince her to claim her throne, and also to prevent the False Queen from using his birthright against him if he was ever captured by her. Upon her coronation, he encourages the High King and Queen to publicly support her rule.
Full of Briars[]
Immediately after Arden's coronation, Quentin visits privately with his parents and introduces them to Toby, Tybalt, and May. His parents consider bringing him back home, but both he and his friends argue that he is becoming a better person and future ruler for his time under Toby's care. It is implied that Quentin downplays the danger and complexity of his adventures when he writes home to them. They also meet Raj, who lays claim on Quentin as only a cat can. Eventually they allow Quentin to stay in the Mists.
Afterward, he visits Dean Lorden and they decide to try dating.
The Winter Long[]
Quentin helps Toby as she learns about her family history and faces off against the resurrected Evening Winterrose, though several times Toby leaves him behind for his own safety rather than face off against his own Firstborn. Notably, Quentin is now trusted to drive the car when Toby must take off via the Shadow Roads. Quentin points out how strange it was that his parents had listened to Evening's advice to foster him in Shadowed Hills, a minor and, and the time, dysfunctional duchy; knowing that Evening is Firstborn suggests that she wanted influence over his training. He is sidelined due to Evening's pull on any of Titania's descendants.
A Red-Rose Chain[]
Quentin accompanies Toby to the Kingdom of Silences to play diplomat and try to prevent war with the Kingdom of the Mists. Before leaving, he gets permission from his parents to go; this is a tricky enough political situation that would be made worse if he was recognized and taken hostage. Indeed, he is taken into custody along with [[May]] when Rhys tries to arrest them to gain Toby's compliance, but he has only been identified as Toby's squire and loved one, not as the crown prince of the realm.
Once Broken Faith[]
Quentin hosts a sleepover with Raj, Chelsea, Dean, and Karen. They delight in being normal teenagers, arguing over the remote control and decimating Toby's kitchen. Toby and May are delighted.
He attends the conclave of monarchs of the Westlands to determine the fate of the elf-shot cure. He worries that he will be recognized as his parents' son but Toby assures him, rightly, that powerful people see what they want to see; no high monarch would entrust their only son and heir into the care of a controversial changeling knight. When Toby identifies the conspirators, Quentin is taken captive and elf-shot, possibly influencing the high monarch's decision about the cure. He is awoken only a few days later.
The Brightest Fell[]
18-year-old Quentin assists Toby and Simon in trying to track down August. He is still traumatised by the Hunt even though Acacia takes over, and takes Officer Thornton to the Luidaeg after they rescue him from Duchess Riordan. August, having magically crippled Toby with her magic by turning her into a merlin, tracks down Toby's house with her magic and binds Quentin in illusionary ropes, forcing Toby to use her iron knife to cut him loose. At the end of the book, Toby remarks that Quentin was the only one in the house who was unaffected by the events Amandine caused, but is most likely hiding how he feels to protect Toby from further distress.
Night and Silence[]
Quentin helps Toby track down her missing daughter. He is elf-shot by the False Queen, but is shortly awakened after.
The Unkindest Tide[]
Quentin joins Toby on the Luidaeg's mission to bring back the Roane. During this time, the Luidaeg transforms him and Toby into Merrow to visit Saltmist and rescue Peter Lorden from a political coup. Quentin is also recognized by a Canadian Selkie as the Crown Prince, but the man is told to keep it quiet.
A Killing Frost[]
19-year-old Quentin goes on a date with Dean, knowing that Toby and Tybalt are occupied with their own date that night. He and Dean spend the evening along the shore of Goldengreen, but are interrupted when Toby drags him along her quest. He notes that as much as he cares for Dean, he doesn't think it is a forever relationship.
Quentin joins Toby and May in search of Simon Torquill, who threatens Quentin with bow and arrow and then kidnaps him as a bargaining chip, knowing from Toby's memories that Quentin is the Crown Prince. Simon takes Quentin to Half Moon Bay and carelessly compels Quentin to eat without stop. Toby uses blood magic to free Quentin, Simon threatens him again, and then hits Toby with elf-shot instead. Quentin summons Tybalt for help, and they go to the Luidaeg's to wake Toby up. Quentin is present to witness Officer Thornton's transformation back into Oberon, and then stands witness during Simon and Amandine's divorce.
When Sorrows Come / And With Reveling[]
Quentin makes a deal with the Luidaeg to disguise himself, literally overwriting his own identity down to the magical signature, in order to attend Toby and Tybalt's wedding. His price is to see the two married, and then he will be able to access the counter-potion. When Toby yells at him for interrupting the lines of succession, he insists that he has to attend her wedding and calls her his mom.
At the High Court Quentin goes by the alias "Cillian," Toby's nondescript Banshee squire. He accompanies her as an assassination plot against the High King is revealed. His parents finally learn of his disguise after Aethlin drinks Toby's blood; when Aethlin rants about Quentin's irresponsibility, Quentin releases a decade of pent-up frustration and abandonment and yells right back.
Royal Seer Fiac, who is actually the deposed rival king Absalom Shallcross, clearly puts together Quentin's true identity. Shallcross is taken into custody after his assassination plot is foiled.
At the wedding itself Quentin, still disguised as Cillian, walks Toby partway down the aisle. During the wedding reception, he is one of the ravenously cake-hungry teenagers.
Be the Serpent[]
Quentin attends Rayseline's trial, and is left in Arden's court when Toby goes to see what is wrong at the Brown house. When they find Stacy missing, he goes with Toby to find Stacy at the local supermarket and both are affected by a Llangefni screen that blocks their access to magic. They return to Muir Woods where the Luidaeg breaks the spell.
Quentin is left behind with Arden as Toby and Tybalt race to keep harm from befalling the Browns. When Titania ensorcelles the knowe, Quentin hides in the orangery with the Browns and Walther. He shoots a crossbow bolt at the first person--Toby--to intrude on their shelter.
Sleep No More/The Innocent Sleep[]
To spite an unaware Toby, Titania reverts Quentin's personality back to when he thought himself superior to changelings and amplifies it right into outright abuse, with Toby as his favourite target. He is now set to become Etienne's squire, to Etienne's dismay, as he is generally pompous and self-centered.
To further add insult to injury, Titania selects now-twenty-year-old Quentin as one of the sacrifices for her Ride in the hopes of remaking Faerie in her image, to which the Luidaeg was able to stop in time.
Quentin's memories are restored. However, he is now in therapy to deal with trauma from his ordeal within the illusion.
October Daye[]
Quentin is Toby's sidekick, squire, and chosen family. Upon meeting, Toby quickly decides to disabuse him of his stiff Court training and stereotypes about changelings and purebloods.[15] She teaches him how to use blood magic and practical street fighting.[1][16] She also makes him do chores once they start living together, regardless of his princely lineage.[9] He joins her on most of her adventures, and though she tries to keep him out of danger, he has been put at risk a number of times. She is more self-conscious about it after learning his true identity, but does not treat him any differently for it. Ultimately, they are both fiercely loyal to each other, putting themselves at risk to rescue one another from danger in every form. Even once he becomes a knight, he will answer to her as his knight-master until he is crowned King of his own kingdom.[7] Quentin is appalled by Toby's lack of honor when she tortures Bucer for information, but learns that he may need to take those steps when he himself becomes High King. As of When Sorrows Come, Quentin views Toby as his mother after years of training under her.
Quentin and Raj met in Blind Michael's Realm and became fast friends ever since. Although Raj is not her squire, Toby trains him and Quentin equally. In the time that Toby controls Goldengreen, Quentin and Raj practically live there and explore every inch of the knowe.[8] They both hang out at Toby's home, fighting over the remote and generally just being teenagers. Quentin is attracted to Raj and they often flirt with one another, but would never let a romantic relationship interfere with their respective royal duties.[9] When Tybalt is traumatized after being held captive by Amandine, Raj spends increasingly more time sleeping over with Quentin in cat form.[7]
Dean Lorden[]
Quentin meets his eventual boyfriend by helping rescue him from a madwoman. They greet each other stiffly when Quentin and Toby visit Goldengreen in search of information about King Gilad[17] but eventually become friends. After Quentin is nearly sent home to his parents, and Dean recognizes the similarities between Quentin and the High King, they finally address their mutual attraction and decide to try dating.[9] Toby notes that Dean is a good "first boyfriend" for Quentin, and Quentin admits that he doesn't see Dean as a forever relationship or love-love him but is very happy with the current state of things.[7] More than a year later, he admits to Toby that he and Dean are serious but that a greater problem looms over their long-term happiness: As the crown prince, Quentin will someday be expected to enter a marriage that produces a clear line of succession. A relationship with Dean would complicate that.[18]
Quentin first bargains with the Luidaeg to rescue Toby from Blind Michael's lands, but afterward they become friends and he frequently hangs out at her house. The Luidaeg is uncharacteristically fond of him, ruffling his hair and choosing to sit next to him on car rides.[16] Toby theorizes that the Luidaeg is so fond of him because, growing up in Toronto, he didn't develop the same innate fear of the Luidaeg that most West Coast fae do. As such, even though he knows that she has done terrible things, he can enjoy her company with a pure appreciation similar to the Selkie's relationship to "Cousin Annie." He however can be hurt when the Luidaeg shows her true nature, seeing as how he was saddened when Poppy bargained with her to save Simon.
When Quentin bargains for the ability to attend Toby's wedding incognito, the Luidaeg charges the least price she possibly can: he must actually be present for the wedding. This may have been a ploy on the Luidaeg's part for Toby to stop stalling, but also has the potential of muddying the lines of succession should Quentin fail in the task.[14]
Aethlin and Maida Sollys[]
The High King and Queen of all North America, and Quentin's parents. They were influenced by Evening Winterrose to send Quentin to Shadowed Hills in blind fosterage,[8] where he keeps in touch with them via letter. They approve of Toby as his knight-master, recognizing his growth as a person and future ruler. They are somewhat distressed to meet her in person and learn that Quentin actually downplayed the dangerous adventures in his letters, but they stand by their decision for Toby to train him.[9] They encourage him to attend events that will make him a better king someday, such as negotiating a ceasefire with the Kingdom of Silences[19] or attending the conclave of North American nobles.[20]
Quentin does not know certain secrets about Maida's life before she married Aethlin, or what caused the scarring on her face. Maida reveals that she never told Quentin out of fear that he'd feel ashamed over his former human heritage, although Toby could tell from the echoes of the watermarks on Maida's side.[20]
When Aethlin yells at Quentin for visiting the High Court in disguise, Quentin reveals a decade-long resentment that he has hidden thus far. He tells his father to fuck off and shares how lonely and abandoned he felt when he first went into fosterage, despite Evening having influenced Aethlin into sending him into a blind fosterage. Toby later assures the king that Quentin doesn't hate him, but they certainly have work ahead to repair their relationship.[18]
Quentin is very close to Nessa, which was how he was able to tell something wasn't right with her.
- "There's nothing wrong with being hurt. We all get hurt. But you shouldn't have been hiding from us. We're your family, and you're stupid if you think we would judge you for needing help. We help each other." -Quentin to Tybalt[7]
Word of God[]
- Quentin was originally supposed to end up with Cassandra.[21]
- Quentin's squire duties include cleaning the litterboxes. He does not like it.[22]
- Quentin would love the 2021 sea shanty trend.[22]
- If Toby and company were ever to play Dungeons and dragons, Quentin would play himself, an elf fighter, and spend a lot of time yelling about how elves don’t work that way.[22]
- If Quentin and friends were to play Overwatch, "Quentin would absolutely be a DPS main. He wants to be an awesome Reaper, and be cool and suave and a big help to his team. Turns out he’s an incredible Tracer. He finds this…vexing."[23]
- Quentin considers himself bisexual. He and Chelsea have long, friendly arguments over terminology. [24]
- "Quentin misses easy access to hockey, Coffee Crisp bars, and his parents. He does not miss snow. Snow is for people who don’t understand how to go inside, where the snow is not."[25]
- Quentin was not originally planned as a main character, and he originally did not appear in A Local Habitation.[26] [27]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Local Habitation
- ↑ A Red-Rose Chain Ch. 14; The Brightest Fell Ch. 22
- ↑ Ashes of Honor Ch. 9, Ch. 12; The Brightest Fell Ch. 16
- ↑ The Winter Long Ch. 4
- ↑ A Killing Frost Ch. 6
- ↑ When Sorrows Come Ch. ?
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Night and Silence
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Winter Long
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Full of Briars
- ↑ Once Broken Faith
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Chimes at Midnight
- ↑ The Unkindest Tide Ch. 15
- ↑ A Killing Frost
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 When Sorrows Come
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Rosemary and Rue
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 One Salt Sea
- ↑ Chimes at Midnight Ch. 5
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 When Sorrows Come
- ↑ A Red-Rose Chain
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Once Broken Faith
- ↑ https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-author-maps-43375854
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 Transcript: Instagram Live 2-12-2021
- ↑ Tumblr: Overwatch
- ↑ Tumblr: Quentin's sexuality
- ↑ Tumblr: Quentin's Canadian-ness
- ↑ Tumblr: Quentin as a main character
- ↑ Tumblr: Quentin's role
External References[]
- Lughgnasa is a Gaelic and pagan festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. It takes place on August 1st. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lughnasadh
Major Character