October Daye Wiki
October Daye Wiki


A full bibliography of Seanan McGuire's Patreon stories including October Daye shorts, InCryptid shorts, and standalones. Notes that titles link to Patreon download page.

Date Title Series Synopsis
2016-06 Stage of Fools October Daye: Tybalt Shorts This is an early Tybalt story, set after "Forbid the Sea," dealing with his time as King of Cats in distant Londonium, long before October, or San Francisco, or even North America.
2016-07 Threnody for Little Girl, With Tuna Standalone This is ecological science fiction about long-term consequences and the delicate relationship between people and the natural world.
2016-08 In Little Stars October Daye Ever wonder what King Gilad was like when he was a young man?  Or how the Kingdom in the Mists was formed?  Well, now you can find out.  Pre-series, no explicit spoilers.
2016-09 The Levee Was Dry Standalone This is a stand-alone story about music, and choices, and consequences, and what it means to do something that changes the world.  It's also about birthdays, and is, I think, the first story I've written where every member of the cast is explicitly above thirty years old.
2016-10 The Voice of Lions October Daye: Tybalt Shorts This is set several years after "Stage of Fools," and moves us a little closer to Tybalt's eventual departure from London.  Everyone knows it's not going to be easy.
2016-11 In the Before, When Legend Was True Standalone This stand-alone story is not as depressing as either "Levee" or "Threnody," so there's that, at least.  I am...not the most cheerful in short form.
2016-12 Fall Like Snow Standalone As indicated in our informal survey, this is a seasonal story, meaning it relates to the current season; it does not relate to or involve any specific holiday.  (Really, apart from Halloween, I don't tend to write specific holiday stories.)
2017-01 The Act of Hares October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Return to Londinium, and the Court of Fogbound Cats, in the time when Tybalt was first a King, and everything was changing.
2017-02 Her Heart Never Came Down Again Standalone Space flight and sorrow and the consequences of giving your heart away. Happy Valentine's Day!
2017-03 Carry On Standalone This one comes with a warning.

I asked Brooke--who is among my best beloveds in all this world, which means she gets special burdens (like me calling her at 2am to wail) and occasionally special privilages [sic] (like this)--what I should write for March.  She said "Well, I liked the way you ruined orange juice for me.  Ruin air travel."

So I did.

This is not a comfortable story.  It is about fat shaming and judgment and the way we allow ourselves to become boiled frogs.  I will be posting a special bonus this month, to help take the sting down a bit.  Just thought I'd let y'all know.

2017-03 Magical Girls Standalone As promised, a little something to take the sting away: this is the story Sarah Kuhn, Amber Benson and I wrote for last year's Magical Girls of Urban Fantasy tour. This is the first time it has been made available outside the original tour, where we passed it out as a free chapbook. See if you can guess which of us wrote which character!
2017-04 The Recitation of the Most Holy and Harrowing Pilgrimage of Mindy and Also Mork InCryptid This special Aeslin mouse novella completes our last year one stretch goal!  Hooray!

This story takes place after MAGIC FOR NOTHING, and should not be read before finishing the book.

2017-05 Shore to Shore October Daye: Lorden Shorts Patrick and Dianda are one of my favorite couples in the Toby universe.  In the modern day, they're stable and comfortable with each other; they've had a long time to figure out their dynamics.  But there was a time when everything was new, and they had to decide what they were going to be...

This is a direct sequel to "Heaps of Pearl."  If you haven't read it yet, you can download it right now, for free, from my website.

2017-06 Cabbages and Kings Standalone This story was written for my dear Amal, from a request she made of me, and I hope it makes her happy.
2017-07 From A to Z from the Book of Changes Standalone Remember when I asked for prompts from the Patrons, and got so many amazing replies?  Well, this was the result.  I couldn't choose just one, so I chose...

...twenty-six.  Sometimes I feel like I have a problem.

I hope you'll enjoy this surreal little experiment in micro storytelling.  I certainly had a lot of fun writing it.

2017-08 Instruments of Darkness October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Attached please find "Instruments of Darkness," the first of the three new Tybalt stories commissioned for this year.  Things are getting tricky in old London...
2017-09 With Honest Trifles October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Attached, please find "With Honest Trifles," the second of our three new Tybalt stories. He never means to borrow trouble, but sometimes a man simply can't help himself...
2017-10 Heart of Straw Standalone The autumn wind is blowing, and the scent of sugar is hanging in the air...
2017-11 Last Call at the Last Chance Ghost Roads It's time to go back to the Last Dance Diner for a midnight encounter with Bobby Cross, in the shadows of the neon lights, where the twilight holds sway...
2017-12 In Deepest Consequence October Daye: Tybalt Shorts With Cailin in need of a teacher, Tybalt must rekindle a friendship perhaps better left to languish, and ask himself once and for all whether he wishes to belong to the Court of Cats or to the Divided Courts.
2018-01 Write in Water October Daye: Lorden Shorts Patrick Twycross has always been lonely.  That doesn't mean he's happy when Simon Torquill, his best friend and bosom companion, shows up and informs him that he'll be escorting a local Duchess to a royal celebration.

He's even less happy when he finds out the celebration is in honor of Dianda Lorden's engagement.

Attached, please find our January story, and the next of our Patrick and Dianda adventures.

2018-02 Live in Brass October Daye: Lorden Shorts For Dianda Lorden, rulership was inevitable.  She was born to the regent's seat, born to protect and care for her people.  Loneliness was also inevitable, especially once her father swam off to warmer waters, leaving her to rule over Saltmist alone.

For a moment, she thought she might have found the potential for happiness with Patrick Lorden...until even that was snatched away.  Or was it?

Attached, please find our February story, and Dianda's side of her engagement ball.

2018-03 Now Rest, My Dear Standalone For March, a tale of libraries and loss, time and inevitability, and always, in the end, coming home.  Does not connect to any pre-existing universe, so can be read cold.
2018-04 These Antique Fables October Daye For April, we return to the world of October Daye with a love story, of a kind, and a war story, of a kind, and a tale of a girl who became a woman still trying to find her place in Faerie.  You've met January O'Leary and Li Qin Zhou before.  Now see them meet each other.
2018-05 Good Night, Sleep Tight Standalone Sometimes, when I can't decide on the next story, my friends get asked for input.  You can blame Brooke for this month's Clive Barker-esque tale of libraries, promises, and what it takes to keep the world turning.

Goodnight, sleep tight.  Don't let the bedbugs bite.

2018-06 Jealous in Honor October Daye: Tybalt Shorts When Cyne returns to Londinium, Tybalt finds himself needing to remember what it truly is to be a King of Cats...and fast, before his family is endangered.
2018-07 Harvest Standalone It's hard to be the Molly when everyone around you is insisting you'd be better suited as a sacrifice.  When the position of Harvest Queen is on the line, will Salem find a way to rise above her fears, or will she crash and burn?
2018-08 Quick in Quarrel October Daye: Tybalt Shorts With Malcolm distraught and September's marriage--and freedom--in danger, Tybalt must find a way to set things right...and fast, since making the wrong decision could easily end in war.
2018-09 File and Forget Standalone Attached, please find our September Patreon story, "File and Forget," a cautionary tale about respecting your administrative assistants, the power of paperwork, and corporate spread run wild.

(Full disclosure: Vixy is an administrative assistant--or as she puts it, "an office mouse"--and she asked for heroic admin work.  I'm a sucker.)

This is a stand-alone story, and requires no grounding in any pre-existing universe.

2018-10 This Ambitious Ocean October Daye: Lorden Shorts Attached, please find our October story, "The Ambitious Ocean," in which our dear Patrick Twycross makes some questionable choices, an oft-mentioned but never seen figure is finally revealed, and Countess Evening Winterrose makes her grand debut in this timeline.

This story is set after "Write in Water" and "Live in Brass," moving us forward in the Patrick, Dianda, and Simon-era timeline.  Things are getting messy.

2018-11 Love in the Last Days of the Doomed World Standalone This month's story is a melancholy piece that is not about Krypton...but in some ways, might as well be.  It stands alone, which is always a nice thing to say, and should see us safely to December's shores.
2018-12 And Thrice Again October Daye: Lorden Shorts This month we follow Simon Torquill, friend and family man, as he attempts to make things better for his beloved Patrick.  But things are not always as easy as they seem, and sometimes the best of intentions can lead us down very dark paths...


2019-01 Sweet as Sugar Candy Standalone Sometimes I ask my friends what they want me to ruin for my patrons.  This month, my friend Carrie said "please ruin marshmallows."  So here.  I have ruined marshmallows, with a sweet tale of confectionery, family traditions, and bad decisions.  Enjoy!
2019-02 On the Side Standalone This month, I was asked to ruin food trucks.  Attached, please find our January Patreon story, "On the Side," in which I really more ruin, well, racism and white supremacy.  (I say this partially as a content warning: I know we all have enough on our minds these days, and don't need to stumble into this by accident.)

Now I want curry.

2019-03 Emergency Landing Standalone This month, I'm ruining air travel...or at least the stop at the end.  As Torrey is fond of saying, Seanan McGuire is creepier than Mira Grant when working in fewer than fifty pages.
2019-04 Of Strange Oaths October Daye: Tybalt Shorts And here is our March Patreon story, a tale of love and loss and the moment where everything changes.  This is when we learn why Tybalt left London.  Warnings: implied violence toward animals, major character death.
2019-05 Vegetables and Vaccines Standalone I was asked to ruin trains this month.  So here I am, ruining trains.  Pandemics and political problems abound.  Enjoy the end of the world (again)!
2019-06 Sun Sets Weeping October Daye We return to the Luidaeg in an era long before October for this month's story, to see what became of Merlin.

Time is long and family is complicated, and no one knows that better than Antigone of Albany, who lost everything along the winding road from then to now.

2019-07 Face Your Furs Standalone For this month's story, we have a little morality play about corporate greed, human weakness, the dehumanization of the worker, and...fursuits?  It's all a little strange.
2019-08 Dreams and Sighs October Daye: Tybalt Shorts When a King is no longer a King, what is he?

Tybalt has left London.  Will London ever truly leave him?

2019-09 Come Marching In Standalone This month's story comes with a content warning: it's about school shootings and the concept of the mental health registry, and while it's more inline with "Carry On" than "The Day the Dead Came to Show and Tell," not everyone is going to be in a headspace to read it right now.  I'm slippery sloping again.  It helps me cope.  It may or may not help you.
2019-10 Take the Shot InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts Things can get awkward when you're a Covenant operative being haunted by someone else's family ghost, trying to keep an eye on a family of traitors, and trying to adjust to a new town, all at the same time.  Thomas Price is having a lousy day.
2019-11 Winter Sunshine Incryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts And things progress, as Alice begins to show signs of who she's going to grow up to be.
2019-12 Help Wanted Standalone It's December, so we're being a little light for once!  Attached, please find "Help Wanted," a story about seeking employment and dealing with workplace injuries.  Also dinosaurs.  Enjoy!
2020-01 Off-Balance InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts Alice has no sense of self-preservation.  Can she outsource it to Thomas and Mary?
2020-02 All that Glitters InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts Alice Healy did not have an uneventful childhood.  But she's trying to become the sort of event that happens to other people.
2020-03 Another Beautiful Day Standalone An old picture of my Maine Coons (back when I had  a matched set), to celebrate a return to some old friends: we're back in the world of "Come Marching In" for another look at Emma and Caroline, and how things are progressing.

I don't currently plan to go back a third time, but who knows, really?

2020-04 In the Land of Rainbows and Ash Standalone When I sent this story to Will, who converts them to ebook files for us, he said "Oh, the file name is 'In the Land of Rainbows,' that'll be nice..." and then he opened the story and got the full title, and went "I don't know what I expected."

This is a portal fantasy. It is not a kind one. This is no wayward child; she will not be making it to school.

But I hope it may transport you, for a time.

2020-05 The Proper Thing Standalone This month's story is a super-sized one, because we needed all the time in the world to talk about cheese.  Cheese is the most important of things!  Magic cheese is even more important!
2020-06 Wishes and Tears October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Attached, please find the June Patreon story, which continues Tybalt's adventures in Lamorica as he tries to deal with exile, the politics of the Divided Courts, and too many other things to mention.
2020-07 Ratting Standalone CONTENT WARNING: This is a story very much about the aftermath and endurance of pandemic.  
2020-08 What Was I Meant to Do? InCryptid Whatever happened to Verity's old boss from Dave's Fish and Strips, the eponymous Dave?  How does bogeyman society deal with angering the Price family?  Do we know where he wound up?

Best read after Discount Armageddon, but no other continuity requirements!  Art by Kory Bing.

2020-09 Belief Standalone For this month's story, we're exploring what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself, and why Santa is unfair.  A story about a little girl and the post office.
2020-10 Poor Fancy’s Followers October Daye: Tybalt Shorts We begin October with a very October cat--our Meg.  And with a return to Tybalt's adventures in Armorica, wherein he makes a very important decision maybe a little bit too quickly, and finds himself on an unwanted adventure.  Again.

This is the latest entry in our ongoing Tybalt stretch goal, and follows directly from "Wishes and Tears."  Enjoy!

2020-11 What You Pay For InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts We're back to Buckley, where a young Alice Healy is fighting to stay alive long enough to eventually become an old Alice Healy.  Sadly, she's still trying...

Follows linearly after "All That Glitters."  Art by Sara Richard.

2020-12 Our Trial Patience October Daye: Tybalt Shorts When last we checked in with Tybalt, currently King of Silvered Cats in the Kingdom of Armorica, he was having a lousy day.  Well, it's just going to get worse as he remembers why no one wants to get in the path of heroes and Firstborn.  Join us for the second half of our somewhat unpleasant cliffhanger, and see what Tybalt does next.
2021-01 What You Build InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts We're back to Alice Healy and Thomas Price as they continue to try and navigate the biggest disasters they've faced to date in "What You Build."  This is a direct continuation from "What You Pay For" in November.  We'll be breaking out of pre-existing continuities for a stand-alone story in February if it kills me.
2021-02 Inflatable Angel Standalone We ring in February with a sweet ghost story where everything is nice for a change.  No, seriously.  Because you deserve it.
2021-03 The Hand of the Forest InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts You asked, and I am not entirely cruel, so here is the last part of the problem Alice and Thomas have been dealing with for the last several installments.
2021-04 Earth for Charity October Daye: Tybalt Shorts And this month we return to Tybalt, as he finishes dealing with his little "curse that will wash Faerie in blood" problem.  This concludes this part of his storyline, and while we will be returning to Armorica, it won't be immediately.
2021-05 By Any Other Name InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts Alice finally meets Rose!
2021-06 To Build a Better... InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts And we're back to Buckley for another month, as Alice and Thomas fumble their way toward an understanding.
2021-07 Halfway Through the Wood InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts And now, a major milestone in the Buckley portion of the InCryptid timeline, as we drop a literal novel on the fiction tier.  (Seriously, it's a short novel, but it's a novel; this is your only warning.)
2021-08 Conflation Standalone What happens when a global pandemic leaves the children who survived it scavenging in the ruins of the world their parents scavenged?
2021-09 Mean and Mighty October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Poor Tybalt.  Things just never seem to get that much easier.  He's happy in Armorica, but will it ever be "home"?  What is he going to do with his changeling ward?  And what is the neighboring kingdom planning?

Things are getting awkward again, as we move toward his inevitable departure from what we always knew would be a temporary exile...

2021-10 School Belles InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts Alice is away to college!  We learn more about Laura!  Mice!  Thomas continuing to make self-destructive choices!  Yes!  We're pushing forward the Buckley timeline, wildly rushing toward the point where it collides with the family as we know it today, and not everyone is having a good, good time...
2021-11 And Deeps Below October Daye: Lorden Shorts ...picking up at the end of A KILLING FROST and going through what is chronologically the end of the book. Simon POV.
2021-12 Until Persephone Comes Home Standalone This month is a stand-alone story about costs, consequences, and stable time loops.  Happy winter holidays, whatever you celebrate!
2022-01 Long Way From Home InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts With Alice away at college and Thomas trapped in his house, Jonathan's interference in his daughter's life is becoming more and more difficult for even the most indulgent of grandfathers to ignore.  Meanwhile, Laura's trying to deal with an Alice who's literally climbing the walls and an infant Hodag that ISN'T on their student housing agreement, and Mary just sort of wants to drown everyone.

It's a new day in Buckley Township and Ann Arbor, Michigan, and nobody's having a good time!

2022-02 Sacrifice Your Tears October Daye: Lorden Shorts It's February, and that means it's time for a story about love...and family, and heartbreak, and trauma, and all that other fun stuff.  It's time for a wedding.  "Sacrifice Your Tears" covers the Lorden-Torquill wedding from Simon's point of view, and from there into the immediate aftermath.

He's trying so hard. Happens simultaneous with the end of A Killing Frost and should not be read before that book.

2022-03 Ghost Lights Standalone Our March story is here, and is a stand-alone look at the theater ghosts of Broadway and beyond during the shutdown.
2022-04 Those Three Girls from Rush's Bend Standalone Long ago, one of my favorite places to set short stories was a strange little town called Rush's Bend, where the laws of causality didn't always follow the rules we know. Over time, I stopped visiting quite as often, but Rush's Bend has always been in my heart, and this month I decided to go back for a visit. I hope you will enjoy this little slice of small town life, which requires no background at all, and that it will make you smile. It made me smile.
2022-05 Into the Sea October Daye: Lorden Shorts Welcome to the Undersea, where the mermaids aren't little, the sea witch isn't the enemy, and everyone bonds over the desire to drown Titania! Now it's August's turn to struggle to adapt to a whole new world, one that she's voluntarily signed up to be a part of...

But what's a family, anyway? And is there coffee under the sea?

2022-06 The War Comes Home Standalone This month brings us a short cautionary tale about the so-called war on Christmas, and what it means to tell people they're being persecuted in the absence of any proof that it's going on. Trick or treat, and to all a good night.
2022-07 In Safety Rest October Daye: Lorden Shorts This month, we're returning to the Undersea for another look at how the Lordens are doing, as their newest member (August, taking the title by about fifteen minutes) tries to adjust to life beneath the sea, and having younger siblings. But there's something going on with the Roane, and it looks as if the political makeup of the Undersea may be shifting soon....hopefully for the better.
2022-08 Upon Your Honor October Daye: Lorden Shorts And we're back, with another trip to the Undersea, where Simon is really, really demonstrating that Faerie needs therapists. Content warnings for this month's story: mentions of past abuse, awkward attempts to deal with trauma, minor injury, assumption that said injury may have been self-inflicted, panic attacks.

Simon needs a hug.

2022-09 With Sweet Peace October Daye: Lorden Shorts Uh-oh!  Here we go again.  Faerie needs therapists, but at least August knows what those are, and can help her father a little bit with trying to figure himself out.  We're Undersea again, as the timeline marches forward, and August gets info Toby lacks.
2022-10 How to Bake a Pie InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts And we're back to the Alice and Thomas timeline, as I try to move us toward the end of her college years by sending her grandfather to pick up the hodag she's managed to acquire. Because Alice is nothing if not good at picking up the occasional Fearsum Critter.
2022-11 Like a Dream October Daye: Lorden Shorts And now it's time for November, wherin Simon gets to learn more about the mortal concepts being therapy and medical treatment.

He's having a week.

2022-12 Give Sorrow Words October Daye: Lorden Shorts And now, Yule in the Undersea, as promised. Simon has started getting help, and he's trying. Saints above and gods below, he's trying.
2023-01 How Much Harm? Standalone This month's story attempts to answer the question, "If you were Death for a day, how much harm could you do?" It's also about temp work and administrative assistants, because why not.

Something soft and standalone to start the new year.

2023-02 Whalefall Standalone This month, we're travelling to an alien world for a discussion of whalefall, biology, culture, and what it means to be curious.

Short, but surprisingly grim. Enjoy!

2023-03 Content/Consent Standalone This month we're stand-alone again (this year so far has been a gift to the folks who wanted more stand-alone stories, although I'm going to have to get back to following some continuity backstory stuff soon), as we examine another aspect of the current "AI" controversy. Namely...what happens if these programs ever do become intelligent?
2023-04 Passing Grades in Penance InCryptid: Alice and Thomas Shorts And now we're back to the Alice and Thomas timeline for another visit to Alice's awkward college days.  CW: Domestic violence, brief, and immediately squashed, but still present. Alice is not enjoying her time in the halls of higher education.
2023-05 Slipping Standalone This month's story is a deeply upsetting exploration of the slippery slope, and the laws of unintended consequences.  Because it touches on current events which some people may not want to find in their fiction, I've also re-posted "Face Your Furs," which has somehow become the lighter offering.  How...?

CW for Slipping: Transphobia, weaponized political language, child abuse both accused and actualized through neglect, family separation, homophobia, death.

2023-06 Distinction of Place October Daye: Tybalt Shorts Welcome back to Tybalt's semi-medieval adventures, in which he tries to stay alive long enough to become the man we know him to be.  This story picks up straight from "Mean and Mighty" and follows Tybalt out of Armorica on his quest to confirm the current location of the hope chest known as Quickbeam.

Boy needs a nap.

2023-07 Notes of Sorrow October Daye: Tybalt Shorts We really need to find out what's been going on in Armorica while Tybalt was hunting a possibly imaginary hope chest.  Welcome back to Tybalt's timeline for another step along the winding road to the present day.
2023-08 Hot New Toy Standalone For this month's stand-alone story, we go to a bureau adjacent to the ATI, where toys try to protect the children who loved them, and nothing is as it seems.  I love Gigi.

CW: Implied child neglect, sad toys, bad parents.

2023-09 Drown the Lamenting October Daye Let's return to the Duchy of Ships, for a little, lengthy (novella-length this month) excursion with Elizabeth Ryan.  Featuring Captain Pete, lots of cakes, and the untold story of how Diva came to be.
2023-10 Velveteen vs. Gainful Employment Velveteen ...but Velma "Velveteen" Martinez is back in action, hitting the city streets and planning to save the superheroic world through whatever means necessary.

Because of the long gap between installments, I'm re-posting "vs. Doctor Darwin" alongside the new "vs. Gainful Employment," to help get people vaguely back up to speed.  Welcome to volume four!

2023-11 Fanes That Lie October Daye - Tybalt Shorts We're back to Tybalt and the Brittany timeline as we try to resolve the question of Quickbeam and what's actually going on in the kingdom next door.  Fans of random trivia will love this one, as it names additional hope chests.
2023-12 Velveteen presents the Princess vs.... Velveteen You may remember that in volume three, before Velveteen reset the timeline, the government was working to control and restrict animus-type heroes.  Well, we're back at the beginning of that process now, and the Princess intends to shut that shit down.

Includes possibly my worst super villain pun name to date.

2024-01 The Silver Sea October Daye - Lorden Shorts And we're back to the Undersea, as Simon tries to cope with returning home after Titania's spell, adjusting, and snapping out of a post-traumatic fugue.  Poor buddy.

Best read after Sleep No More and The Innocent Sleep.

2024-02 Not a Drop to Drink Standalone Just a small rumination on the nature of witches and heroes this month, and how much things change depending on where you're standing when the sky falls down.
2024-03 Velveteen vs. Evolution Velveteen And we're back to Vel, as the situation with Doctor Darwin reaches an explosive new height, and everything gets very paleolithic...

We are now six episodes into volume four (volume three was sixteen episodes long), and episode seven will be the second half of "vs. Evolution."  This means we should be finishing soon, and also, that I will stop besieging Patreon in the very near future, as I want to finish faster than a once-a-month tempo implies.

2024-04 A Traveler's Guide to Fantastical Countries Standalone Happy April! Our story this month is about travel, and all the wonderful, horrible, terrible places it can take us. Enjoy!
2024-05 Velveteen vs. Extinction Velveteen Bit by bit, we delve deeper in Velveteen, book four. Could there be a reason for this? Could the answer be coming sooner than later? Yes, and also yes.
2024-06 No One Leaves for Good InCryptid Welcome to June! This month, we're bopping over to InCryptid to watch the family reunion we missed in the book proper, mostly because there was no way to line it all up with the timeline of Aftermarket Aftermath [sic]. Elsie narrates, and everyone else just tries to keep their heads above water.

Best read after Aftermarket.

2024-07 The Girl Who Loved Peacocks Standalone This month is stand alone and sad. I just wanted to warn you from the start.

A few years ago now, I made a friend, and my friend loves peafowl like I love my cats. And recently, she lost her best beloved bird. So this is for her. It is about a girl, yes, who loves peafowl, and what that looks like across a lifetime. I hope you will like it. I did.

2024-08 Velveteen vs. True Love's Kiss Velveteen We continue to wend our way through the fourth volume of Velveteen's adventures as she contends with unfinished business that's been waiting far too long to be resolved. The rules are sometimes different, when you spend your time with living fairy tale tropes...
2024-09 Velveteen vs. the Parlimentarian Velveteen And here we go: "Velveteen vs. The Parliamentarian," fresh off the presses and ready for your reading enjoyment! Thrill as Velveteen gets to deal with the consequences of her choices, and the Princess tries to discourage a new arch enemy!
2024-10 Taste Your Future Standalone It's story time this month! Here's something a little cute, a little creepy, and all about ice cream. I hope it brings you joy, and hey, unlike the marshmallows, nobody had to die!
2024-11 Velveteen presents Tag vs. Being Alive Velveteen Periodically, we need a Velveteen story that focuses more on the people around her than Vel herself. This is one such time.

Tag is back in the land of the living. What does that mean...and are he and Vel a foregone conclusion?

2024-12 In That Sleep October Daye We've had a few months of pretty short stories. So here is my Hogswatch present to you all, as I return one last time to the well of Titania's shitty version of Faerie, to see how August got on during the enchantment. Warning: quite long.

If you haven't read Sleep No More and The Innocent Sleep, this may not make much sense. I recommend picking them up if you can. Enjoy.

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