One Salt Sea is the fifth book in the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire. It follows Toby's efforts to prevent war between land and sea by searching for the Duchess of Saltmist's missing sons.
“ | As many arrows, loosed several ways, come to one mark; as many ways meet in one town; as many streams meet in one salt sea; so may a thousand actions, once afoot, end in one purpose. | ” |
–William Shakespeare, King Henry V |
Author Summary[]
Now that she's a member of the landed nobility, October "Toby" Daye is dealing with a whole new host of challenges—not the least of which is figuring out the limits of her newly-enhanced abilities. Still, it feels like she's finally getting a handle on her life. She has a boyfriend, a roommate, and even a squire. Things couldn't possibly get better...
...but they can get a whole lot worse. Someone has kidnapped the sons of Duchess Dianda Lorden of Saltmist, and to prevent a war, the Luidaeg is calling in all Toby's debts. Toby will need to be smarter, sharper, and quite possibly damper than ever before if she wants to come out of this in one piece—and the fight is getting more personal than she could have dreamed.
One Salt Sea is the fifth book in the October Daye series, a modern urban fantasy set in both the San Francisco Bay Area and the Faerie Kingdom of the Mists which overlays Northern California. It was released in North America by DAW Books on September 6, 2011.[1]
Back Cover[]
October "Toby" Daye is finally doing all right. She's settling into her new role as the Countess of Goldengreen; she's actually dating again; she's even agreed to take on Quentin as her official squire. Life is looking up all around—and that inevitably means it's time for things to take a turn for the worse.
Someone has kidnapped the sons of Duchess Dianda Lorden, regent of the Undersea Duchy of Saltmist. To prevent a war between land and sea, Toby must not only find the missing boys, but also prove that the Queen of the Mists was not behind their abduction. She'll need all her tricks and the help of all her allies if she wants to make it through this in one piece.
Toby's search will take her from the streets of San Francisco to the lands beneath the waves, and her deadline is firm: she must find the boys in three days' time, or all of the Mists will pay the price. But someone is determined to stop her—and whoever it is isn't playing by Oberon's Laws...
As the battle grows more and more personal, one thing is chillingly clear. When Faerie goes to war, not everyone will walk away.[1]
Sylvester trains Toby in sword fighting at Goldengreen, which they have been working on since Toby discovered she was Dochas Sidhe. Sylvester asks her to be Quentin’s knight, wanting Quentin to have a modern squire training and saying his parents fully agree. May and Quentin arrive to see the next sparring round, and Toby disarms Sylvester for the first time in her life. Quentin preempts Sylvester’s announcement by asking if Toby can be his knight. She accepts, touched.
The Luidaeg is waiting when Toby gets home and dismisses Cagney and Lacey as Tybalt’s spies--Toby has been assuming the same--though has no issues with Spike’s loyalty. The Luidaeg calls in Toby’s debts and orders Toby to prevent a war between Saltmist and the Kingdom of the Mists. The Duchess’s sons have been kidnapped and the Luidaeg wants Toby to find them.
Toby is summoned to the Court of the Mists, to visit the coming evening. Connor visits; they have been dating since Rayseline’s betrayal led to the marriage being annulled. Connor is worried about war, too, and fears he will be forced to take sides between Undersea and land. They have sex and then take a nap before parting ways.
Toby calls on May and Stacy for help preparing for Court. She also asks Danny to search for rumors about the Lorden boys. Stacy arrives to do Toby’s hair and makeup, and May delivers an extravagantly classy dress. Toby adds a thigh sheath for her silver dagger.
Connor escorts her to Court, where Dugan grudgingly admits them. They chat with April. Toby meets Patrick Lorden and saves him from being struck by elf-shot. Dianda confronts Toby, thinking she’s attacked Patrick, but Patrick speaks on Toby’s behalf. Dianda orders the Saltmist contingent to leave, declaring war between the kingdoms. Most of the guests leave quickly, and Toby asks for April’s help to monitor the perimeter for suspicious activity. The Queen initially forbids Toby from investigating Patrick’s attack or the boys’ kidnapping. Toby asks if she’s the one who took the boys, leading the Queen to grant Toby three days to search for answers.
Toby and Connor follow the Luidaeg’s summons to her home, though the Luidaeg is cold toward Connor. She confirms the elf-shot on the arrow used against Patrick and explains that the land fae are vastly outclassed if they go to war against Undersea. She tells Toby that she’ll need to bring the Luidaeg a shapeshifter soon, but not to bring a Selkie.
Back at home, Jazz offers to deliver the arrow to Walther for analysis. Tybalt arrives out of the blue after being absent for a month. He is struck by Toby’s Court outfit and has a staring contest with Connor. Connor announces that he must check in with Saltmist and heads out. Toby berates Tybalt for giving her the silent treatment for so long, and as she changes clothes Raj teaches Tybalt Toby’s coffee order. Tybalt offers allyship and protection to Goldengreen in the coming war; Toby accepts on behalf of her people.
Bucer calls with information suggesting Rayseline is involved with the Lorden’s kidnapping. Toby asks Raj to deliver Bucer’s payment, and Tybalt is irked that Raj is following Toby’s requests. Tybalt decides to go with her to Shadowed Hills and grits through his discomfort with riding in a car rather than take the Shadow Roads without her. He disparages the oncoming war and its consequences, remembering the War of Silences. The Luidaeg uses blood from Toby, Tybalt, and herself to make a charm that will allow Toby to visit Saltmist.
Tybalt shifts into cat form for the next car ride, on Toby’s suggestion. They update the residents of Goldengreen, and Toby encourages them to flee if they wish. Toby makes Marcia her seneschal.
Tybalt and Toby visit Shadowed Hills next. Jin meets them at the door and notes that Toby looks exhausted. Sylvester’s people are all scrambling in preparation for the war, and when greeting Sylvester Tybalt shows notable respect for a Cait Sidhe monarch, then steps out so Toby and the Torquills can discuss Rayseline in private. Sylvester gives Toby to search Rayseline’s things, and she is joined by Etienne and Grianne to lend credibility to any of her findings.
Rayseline’s rooms are still decorated for the child she used to be, and Toby learns that Connor and Rayseline didn’t even share a suite. They find a collection of rocks as well as scraps of Rayseline’s diary which detail how deeply into madness she has fallen.
Quentin joins them, his place being by his knight’s side. Toby requests that Tybalt send his cats looking for clues, putting her in his debt. Quentin and Toby go home, where May suggests that they ask Danny to help get answers from the rocks. Connor arrives and requests Toby’s presence on behalf of Dianda.
They go to a warded restaurant on the docks where Toby meets with Dianda privately. Dianda is in merrow form, using a wheelchair to conserve her strength and magic. Toby’s earnestness finally convinces Dianda that Toby is serious about finding her sons. Toby senses danger and pushes Dianda out of the way of an arrow. The arrows continue, and Toby careens Dianda’s wheelchair down a hill to escape the attackers. Toby triggers the Luidaeg’s charm just as they both hit the water and emerges to find herself a merrow. Dianda’s Selkie guards arrive and split between hunting down the attackers and escorting their Duchess, plus Toby and Connor, to Saltmist.
Once in the knowe, Toby encounters a number of underwater fae she’s never even heard of. Dianda must teach her how to shift between tailed and legged merrow forms. As Toby changes into dry clothes, the servant Helmi also explains the Selkie messaging system that allows Selkies almost unlimited access to Undersea knowes. Connor says that he’d told Rayseline all of this in an attempt to grow closer to her during their marriage, leading Toby to think Rayseline broke into Saltmist to steal the boys.
They investigate the boys’ rooms. Toby senses blood magic and collects a charmed needle from Dean’s room that she will have Walther analyze. After she’s found all she could, Toby explores Saltmist for a bit before a Cetacea pod escorts her back to San Francisco, leaving Connor behind in Saltmist.
Danny picks her up. He has gotten some information from the rocks, but not much yet. May is relieved when Toby arrives home safe, and Toby shares her Selkie theory with her allies. Walther says that an elf-shot Selkie without its pelt would die just like a human, which means Rayseline has likely broken Oberon’s Law. He also says the compound he analyzed has an additional component that would kill a fae over a few decades, rather than make them sleep for a century. It is complex enough that Raysel must have gotten help to mix it.
Tybalt arrives with news: Gillian has been kidnapped from her human parents. He takes Toby directly to the house via the Shadow Roads, where Gillian’s stepmother tries to shut Toby out. Cliff, too, is uncooperative although he gives Toby his blessing to go searching for Gillian. While Toby argues with them, Tybalt sniffs around the house and identify’s Rayseline’s magical signature at Gillian’s window. He and Toby try to follow the trail, but something is obscuring it. They are attacked by goblins and when Toby is in danger, Tybalt throws her alone onto the Shadow Roads for her own safety.
Toby wakes in Shadowed Hills. Jin despairs at Toby’s inability to rest and recover, and Tybalt is relieved she is okay. They update Sylvester and he gives Toby an ALH cell phone to keep in tough. Etienne teleports her to the Queen’s Court while Tybalt enlists his cats to search for Gillian.
Toby and Etienne find the Queen’s Court preparing for war. The Queen accuses her of treason for visiting Saltmist, but Etienne vouches for her. Despite the evidence, the Queen refuses to call off the war because if she does, her people would be guilty of breaking Oberon’s Law. They strike a deal: the Queen will call of the war if Toby can convince Saltmist to declare the Kingdom of the Mists not at fault for the Lorden boys’ kidnapping. Dugan confirms that Rayseline, disguised as a messenger, brought word of Toby’s Saltmist visit to the Queen.
Visiting Goldengreen next, Toby sends a message to Dianda. Then she calls the Luidaeg, who says Rayseline took Gillian in order to hurt Toby. She teaches Toby a quicker way to summon the night-haunts, made possible by Toby’s increased strength since the last time she called them. Toby does so, and among the night-haunts she finds a dead Selkie who confirms that Rayseline murdered her. The Selkie, Margie, also describes where she was being held. Toby confirms that Gillian and the Lorden boys are still alive. In turn, the night-haunts ask Toby why she is still alive after they sent a Fetch for her.
Marcia notes that even if Gillian gets out of this ordeal alive, she may be mentally damaged from being kidnapped by faeries. Marcia also knows of Dugan, who once tried to get Lily to swear loyalty to the Queen of the Mists. She describes Dugan’s magical signature; it matches the dead Selkie’s account.
Toby calls Walther and learns enough about the maker of the elf-shot compound to support her suspicions against Dugan.
May picks Toby up and looks uncomfortable when Toby says she called the night-haunts. Raj announces that the fae from Undersea are on their way, and Toby hurriedly orders a receiving room prepared in Goldengreen. When the Saltmist delegation arrives, they show Toby a box that contains Dean Lorden’s severed finger. At the Lorden’s request, Toby rides the blood to learn more about his captivity. She learns that Rayseline is holding Dean on land, and is obeying Raysel in order to keep Peter safe. Patrick formally thanks both Toby and Connor for their help, and their Roane seer makes several cryptic remarks.
They separate, Patrick’s party going to update Dianda and Toby’s to figure out Dean’s precise location. Connor comforts Toby, promising they’ll get Gillian back, and tells her that he has asked to be released from his vows to Saltmist so he can be with Toby without conflicted loyalties. Her thoughts flash to Tybalt but she honestly assures Connor that she wants him.
Toby, Connor, Quentin, and Raj visit Bucer for information. She educates Quentin on the necessities of fighting dirty, which goes against his courtly upbringing. She forces Bucer to admit that he gave Gillian’s location to Rayseline, information he had from knowing Devin, but doesn’t know who recommended him to Rayseline. He tells them that Raysel is currently at Muir Woods.
Toby updates May by phone but refuses to wait for reinforcements. The Luidaeg joins them, as does Tybalt with the update that the goblins have been promised Goldengreen for helping Raysel take over the Kingdom of the Mists. Raj goes to Shadowed Hills for reinforcements, while the Luidaeg creates a dowsing rod from Toby’s blood to search for Gillian. The dowsing rod leads them to an old tree in the forest. It is the entrance to King Gilad’s old know, and the Luidaeg convinces it to allow them access. The knowe is lit by pixie lanterns; Toby frees the pixies and they light the way to where Gillian is being held. Gillian tells Toby to run, and Rayseline appears with a guard of goblins.
Raysel declares herself a daughter of Titania, which forces the Luidaeg to step aside from the battle. Toby pleads with Raysel to let them all go, but Rayseline knows she has gone too far to escape faerie justice. Toby tries next to get Rayseline to turn on Dugan, but fails. Raysel thinks that killing Toby’s team will hide the evidence of her betrayal, but they all list the countless people who are aware of her guilt. Raysel refuses to see reason; she is determined to steal the throne of the Mists. Desperate, Toby says that Connor has been cheating on Raysel ever since Toby returned from the pond, distracting her. Tybalt calls for an attack and battle ensues. Toby unties Gillian and tries to shield her from the violence.
Seeing Quentin in danger, Toby leaves Gillian to help him. Rayseline shoots elf-shot at Gillian, but Connor intercepts it an is shot instead. Rayseline shoots another arrow that hits Gillian, and Tybalt jabs Rayseline with elf-shot, incapacitating her. The Luidaeg instructs Toby to shift Gillian’s blood in order to negate the poison and even offers some of her own blood to power up Toby’s magic.
Transported to a vision, Toby offers the Changeling’s Choice to Gillian, who chooses her mortal life. Toby pulls everything fae out of Gillian’s blood.
Toby returns to awareness, but Gillian is still unconscious. The Luidaeg is looking after Gillian and erases her memories of faerie and sends Toby to check on Connor, who is asleep from the elf-shot. Then Toby takes Tybalt and Quentin to search the knowe for Dean; when they find him, he doesn’t trust them until Toby convinces him that his parents sent them. Tybalt finds Peter and they carry both boys back to the battleground.
Connor has died, not of elf-shot, but from the physical damage of the arrow. The Luidaeg says the night-haunts are coming for Connor but they don’t want to deal with Toby.
Quentin suggests that Tybalt take Gillian into the city and call 911 in order to get her home to her mortal family.
They leave the knowe to find Sylvester’s full guard, Raj included. They take the Lordens to the nearby beach and Toby summons Patrick and Dianda. Dianda mourns Cconnor’s death before declaring her gratitude for Toby. Toby has a plan to catch Rayseline’s accomplice.
Toby takes Quentin, glamoured to look like a dead Dean, and Dianda, glamoured to look like a captured Rayseline, to the Queen’s Court. Toby tricks Dugan into admitting that he had worked with Rayseline; the Queen’s reaction and punishment of Dugan leads Dianda to call off the war. Toby, in the interests of preserving the peace between land and sea, offers Goldengreen to Dean Lorden.
Time passes. Toby mourns Connor, bittersweetly celebrates Gillian’s safety, and learns that Fetches are former night-haunts. The Luidaeg takes Toby to visit the Selkie community where, disguised as Cousin Annie, the Luidaeg delivers Connor’s and Margie’s pelts to the Selkie leader. The Luidaeg tells Liz that all the Selkie clans have one year until she will collect on their debt to her. After they leave, the Luidaeg tells Toby the story of the Roane.
- October Daye: Dochas Sidhe changeling leaning toward fae, Countess of Goldengreen, knight and hero
- Quentin: Daoine Sidhe, blind foster, squire to Toby
- May Daye: Toby’s Fetch and roommate
- Tybalt: Cait Sidhe, King of Cats, Toby’s ally
- Connor O’Dell: Selkie, formerly Rayseline’s husband, currently Toby’s boyfriend. Originally from Saltmist / Roan Rathad
- Dianda Lorden: Merrow, Duchess of Saltmist
- Patrick Lorden: Daoine Sidhe, Duke of Saltmist
- Luidaeg: Firstborn, sea witch, Toby's aunt. Resides in San Francisco and refuses to return to Undersea
- Queen of the Mists: Banshee/Siren, moon-mad, hates Toby
- Rayseline Torquill: Daoine Sidhe / Blodynbryd / Kitsune, formerly of Shadowed Hills, insane
- Dugan Harrow: Daoine Sidhe, servant, resents Toby for her success as a changeling
- Raj: Cait Sidhe, Prince of Cats, Tybalt’s heir and Toby’s unofficial squire
- Sylvester Torquill: Daoine Sidhe, Duke and Toby’s father-figure
- Luna Torquill: Blodynbryd, Duchess
- Etienne: Tylwyth Teg, knight
- Grianne: Candela, knight
- Garm: strong in illusion magics
- Jin: Ellyllon, healer
- Danny MacReady: Bridge Troll, cab driver, Toby’s ally
- Stacy Brown: Barrow Wight changeling, Toby’s friend
- Jazz: Raven-maid, May’s girlfriend
- Bucer O’Malley: Glastig, formerly of Home, now provider of seedy information
- Jack Redpath: human, Walther's graduate assistant
- Spike: rose goblin, Toby's pet
- Cagney and Lacey: Toby’s mortal cats; report to Tybalt
- Marcia: thin-blooded changeling, Seneschal
- Walther Davies: Tylwyth Teg, chemist and alchemist
- Dean Lorden: Son of Dianda and Patrick; favors Daoine Sidhe side of his blood
- Peter Lorden: Son of Dianda and Patrick; favors Merrow side of his blood
- Helmi: Cephali, servant
- Anceline: Cetacea, patrol guard
- Margie (deceased, night-haunt): Selkie
- Mary: Roane, seer
- Liz: Selkie, clan leader
- Amandine: Firstborn, Toby’s mother
- April O’Leary: techno-Dryad, Countess of Tamed Lightning, Sylvester’s niece
- Devin (deceased, night-haunt): Changeling leader of Home, Toby’s former mentor
- Lily (deceased): Undine, former Lady of the Tea Gardens
- Evening Winterrose (deceased): Daoine Sidhe, Former Countess of Goldengreen
- King Gilad (deceased): former King of the Mists
- Arden: known to the Luidaeg
- North America, ruled by the High King and Queen
- Kingdom in the Mists, ruled by the Queen of the Mists
- Shadowed Hills, ruled by Sylvester and Luna Torquill
- Goldengreen, ruled by Toby
- San Francisco
- Toby's apartment
- Luidaeg's home
- Muir Woods
- Kingdom in the Mists, ruled by the Queen of the Mists
- Undersea
- Saltmist, led by Dianda Lorden
- Faerie
- Shadow Roads, accessible by Cait Sidhe
- Toby settles some of her debt with the Luidaeg in this book, although they are not yet even.[2][3]
- Saltmist is indebted to Toby and Connor for their investigative help.
- Toby owes Tybalt for sending his cats to search for clues.
Current Book[]
Plot Foreshadowing[]
- The Luidaeg tells Toby to bring her shapeshifter, knowing she’ll need to make a spell to send Toby to Undersea.
- The Luidaeg is mother to the Roane and indirectly Firstborn to the Selkies
- Don’t forget we are two things at once, and never only the thing you can see.” (Margie)
- “My mother’s soon to be involved…” (Mary)
- The Luidaeg really hates the Selkies, Connor included.
- “Before the betrayal of the Roane” (Connor)
- Mary to Connor: “Now now, my little soldier boy, stay as you are, and rest. Your place in this tale is nearly severed through, and the time for roving’s done. Rest a while, before the end begins.”
- He will soon sacrifice himself to save Gillian
- Mary about Toby: “What she’ll pay is dearer than salt, but she’ll bring them home.”
- Refers to saving Dean and Peter Lorden but forcing Gillian to make the Changeling’s Choice, and losing Connor.
- According to the Luidaeg, the night-haunts know Toby better than she thinks. Makes sense if one of their own became Toby’s Fetch.
- Raj is a regular presence at Toby’s house, and is already acting as an unofficial squire alongside Quentin
- Between learning how Toby takes her coffee and forcing himself to sit in a car with her, Tybalt is seriously trying to modernize himself to fit Toby's lifestyle.
- The Luidaeg’s don’t-look-here spells on her home don’t bother Toby at all, but they make Tybalt almost forget why he wants to visit.
- Toby finally has her own cell phone.
- Don’t mess with Toby’s coffeemaker.
- A "hand of bones" is created from the bones of former monarchs of Faerie and is a serious vow on those monarchs' thrones.
- The Luidaeg recognizes that Tybalt has a “claim” on Toby
Previous Books[]
- Dare idolized Toby, feelings which carried over to when she was a night-haunt and chose to drink Toby’s offering of blood so that she could become Toby’s Fetch.[2][3]
- Toby continues to be an ally to pixies.[4][5]
- Etienne recently graduated his squire,[3] so Toby and Quentin both expect Quentin will become Quentin’s knight. Sylvester has other ideas.
- Toby is in the habit of checking her backseat for attackers.[4]
- Toby still carries her silver dagger[4], although since shifting her blood she cannot handle the iron one.[3]
- The Luidaeg makes Toby’s merrow-spell using a scale from her water dragon[3]
- Toby is still a fan of 90s rock.
- Toby really wishes the fae would preserve crime scenes.[4][3][5]
- Tybalt met Amandine when she gave Toby the most recent Changeling’s Choice.[3]
Future Books[]
- A squire is encouraged to live with his knight at least part-time.[6]
- Tybalt and Toby[7]
- “Tell your King he can’t save her this time. My claim comes first.” -Luidaeg
- Tybalt respects Sylvester largely for Toby's sake
- Quentin suggests that the High King might give Rayseline clemency for accidentally killing the Selkie Margie.[7]
- King Gilad[7]
- Toby would tear down the the world to save Gillian from danger…[8]
- The Luidaeg cannot fight the children of Titania, and will not fight the children of Maeve.[9]
- Sylvester fought in the War of Silences and Tybalt remembers it too.[11]
- The Tuatha de Dannan used to manage the gates between Faerie realms.[6]
- Toby, to Etienne: “You’re not a parent. You wouldn’t understand.”[6]
- The night-haunts say that Toby’s bloodline is overly cavalier about death.[12]
- The Luidaeg’s eldest sister contributed to creating elf-shot.[9]
- “Did [Rayseline’s rock collection] say they cried when the towers fell?”[13]
- “There there, my lovely one. She’ll steer you sure through. Just never let her near the silver. Line of thieves, hers is, and they’d rob even royalty blind. I know you’ve not stolen half a heartbeat from a stolen child as yet, but you will, given time. You will.” -Mary to Connor, presumably about Toby
Possible Foreshadowing (Unconfirmed)[]
- “Done more than she thought she would, but not as much as she’ll do, once she’s given cause to eat the fruit of the Judas tree.” -Mary, presumably referring to Toby
Cultural References[]
- “Little Mermaid, eat your heart out.”
- “Done more than she thought she would, but not as much as she’ll do, once she’s given cause to eat the fruit of the Judas tree.”
- Someone will lead a betrayal...
Concerning Toby’s kids[]
- “See, Quentin, that’s why you should wear a cup before trying to assassinate someone.”
- “I can't. I'm not a good influence on him. I keep getting him shot. I swear too much, I don't brush my teeth every time I go to bed, and I never remember to eat a balanced breakfast. You want someone with culture. Poise. A lack of gunfire.”
- “I swear to Oberon, I will turn this car around and nobody will get to speak to the creepy underworld jerk.”
- “If something happened to Gillian, I'd rip the world down to save her, even if she spat in my face when I did. That's what parenthood means.”
- “Dress nicely. Go armed.” -Luidaeg
- “That's the beauty of the future. We get to change it.”
- “You know what “sorry” does? Sorry doesn’t do a damn thing.”
- “The night-haunts never lie. They could, if they wanted to, but they don’t really see the point. The truth is so much more dangerous than a lie.”
- “I just wasn't anticipating Goblin assassins with crossbows pushing me into a situation where the only viable exit involved riding a mermaid's wheelchair into the marina. Sometimes I think my life is too complicated.”
- “Never bring a weapon too big to double as a dining utensil to the table when dining with friends.”
- “A cat that looks bored is a cat that's getting ready to pounce.”
- “I squared my shoulders, trying to ignore the fact that I was standing in the apartment of the sea witch, wearing a fairy-tale prom gown, waiting for the attack of the mermaids.”
- “Did you find anything?" "Nothing of interest. People fleeing. Poorly trained guards unable to believe an attack would occur within a royal knowe, thus proving that they possess an insufficient grasp of historical fact.”
- “. . . most of the ones who come when the call goes out won't have ever fought a war before. They'll come because they think it's honorable, or because they want to be heroes. They'll show up in their pretty armor, and they'll litter the battlefield like leaves.”
- “He knows how to do proper knightly things, like using a sword and not getting shot.”
- “Some people are more politically aware than kelp, Toby. Please note that I’m not including you in their number.”
- “Let's see some carnage!”
- “My sense of humor is sometimes the only defense I have—inappropriate as it often is.”
- “The truth is so much more dangerous than a lie.”
- “She didn’t say anything about my tears. I didn’t say anything about hers. Everything changes.”
- In early drafts of One Salt Sea, Connor and Toby broke up and he moved away rather than dying. McGuire and her editor decided that it needed more of an emotional impact. Toby's resulting depression inspired the goblin fruit plotline of future books.[14][6][7]
- Connor was in love with the Toby he knew 20 years ago and doesn't understand the Toby she is now [after her return from the pond triggered her functional depression]. He doesn't understand her apparent death wish.[14]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 An Artificial Night
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Late Eclipses
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Rosemary and Rue
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 A Local Habitation
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Ashes of Honor
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Chimes at Midnight
- ↑ Night and Silence
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Winter Long
- ↑ The Unkindest Tide
- ↑ A Red-Rose Chain
- ↑ Once Broken Faith
- ↑ The Fixed Stars
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Seanan McGuire, Instagram Live, April 6, 2020