October Daye Wiki
October Daye Wiki

A Magic Signature is the scent that is emitted by a Faerie or changeling when they use magic. It is like a fingerprint, unique, and cannot be faked. Most fae can only identify signatures in broad strokes, such as "smoke" or "roses." Firstborn and Dóchas Sidhe can get as specific as campfire vs. candle smoke, or a particularly cultivated strain of roses. The Luidaeg can identify which of the twin Firstborn a particular Tuatha de Dannan is descended from based on their magical signature.

Magical signatures give some indication of an individual's ancestors. As a general rule, Oberon's descendants tend to include blood in their signature, Titania's contain flowers, and Maeve's have water elements. Changelings and people with traces of human ancestry seem more likely to have metal elements. Additionally, close family such as siblings or parent-and-child tend to have complementary signatures. In some cases, there is only a single note of fragrance.[1]

Toby has discovered that magic also has an appearance that corresponds to the caster. For example, when she concentrates she can see that the skerry where Simon Torquill stashed Luna and Rayseline is "lighting up with gray-and-orange lines, twisted and knotted together like the most ambitious macrame project anyone has ever undertaken." She identifies this as Simon's smoke-and-oranges signature. Once she sees these threads, she is able to pull them apart to destroy the working.[2]

Characters and Their Signatures[]

Use the filters to sort alphabetically by character, race, creator, etc.

Name Magic Signature Race Claimed By Significance
Acacia Rich, earthy, midsummer roses[3] Firstborn of Blodynbryd and Dryad Titania
Aethlin Sollys wild mountain heather and celandine poppies[4][5] Daoine Sidhe Titania Heather is associated with the Tuatha de Dannan Firstborn, Amorica and Elton. Aethlin, on the other hand, is Daoine Sidhe.

His son, Quentin Sollys, also shares a signature of heather.

Alex Olsen clover and coffee[6] Gean-Cannah Coffee likely reflects human heritage
Amandine blood and wild, woody roses[7][8] Firstborn of Dóchas Sidhe Oberon Blood reflects Amandine being the last daughter of Oberon, and the roses reflects the roses on Janet's garden that Oberon used to pick.
Amorica burning heather[9] Firstborn of Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Amorica and her brother Elton both have heather signatures.
Amphitrite Clean sea air immediately before a storm, wind and wave and ozone and impending doom; Driftwood, bleached bone-dry on the shore, and like sand bathed in moonlight, like ambergris and mist.[10] Firstborn of the Merrow Titania Notably more complex than regular fae; it is al these scents at once.
Anthony Brown Peppermint and basil[11] Firstborn Titania
Antonio Robinson Spanish moss and walnut shells[12] Candela Maeve
April O'Leary ozone and electrical fires[13] cyber-Dryad manmade signature reflects technological powers
Arden Windermere redwood bark and blackberry flowers[14] Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Redwood reflects the Windermere's ties to the redwood forest of Muir Woods, while blackberries seem to be another family trait. Arden's and Nolan's signatures are incredibly similar even though they were born several years apart.
August Torquill campfire smoke and small, sweet, cultivated roses[8] Dóchas Sidhe Oberon Smoke is inherited from Simon, while roses are inherited from Amandine.
Blake cedar shavings and tomato leaves[15] Cait Sidhe
Blind Michael hot candle wax; blood, ash, mold, steel[16][17][18] Firstborn of Blodynbryd and Silene Maeve His realm is reached by the light of a candle.
Bucer O’Malley damp linen and pine[19] Glastig changeling
Cailin Juniper and red wine[20] Cait Sidhe (Malvic)

Daoine Sidhe (removed)


Titania (removed)

Cailin's mother Colleen also has a juniper scent, marking that as her Cait Sidhe/Malvic heritage.
Caitir Raspberry and lemon verbena[5] Candela Maeve
Cal pine[21] Cait Sidhe
Cassandra Brown grapefruit and turpentine[22] Nixie / Hob / Barrow Wight / Changeling Manmade scents like turpentine come from human ancestry.
Chelsea Ames sycamore smoke and calla lilies[23] Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Etienne and Chelsea both have tree smoke in their signatures.
Colleen Juniper and thistles[24] Cait Sidhe Oberon; Malvic's line Ties to her daughter's juniper scent
Connie Engine grease and coal dust[25] Gremlin Gremlins are associated with coal mines
Connor O'Dell kelp[26]/ sweet eucalyptus and hot dry sand[27] Selkie Maeve Signature reflects his Undersea heritage.
Danny MacReady Fresh-mixed concrete and ripe huckleberries [25] Bridge Troll
Dare Lorimer apples[28] Piskie / Tylwyth Teg / Changeling Maeve Scent pairs well with her brother Manuel's cinnamon.

Apple is typically associated with Eira Rosynhwyr, Firstborn of the Daoine Sidhe, though Dare is Piskie and Tylwyth Teg.

Dean Lorden wet stone and eucalyptus[29] Merrow / Daoine Sidhe Titania Wet stone reflects his undersea heritage, a relative to his mother's amber signature.
Dianda Lorden water lilies and amber[30] Merrow Titania Signature reflects her Undersea heritage
Dorothy Clark Spruce and berry[31] Selkie Maeve
Dugan Harrow Cinnamon and cardamom[32] Daoine Sidhe Titania
Elliot Lye and water [33] Bannick Maeve Lye is used for washing, a skill of the Bannick.
Elton dew-soaked heather[9] Firstborn of Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Elton and his sister Amorica both have heather signatures.
Emrys heather[1] Roane Merlin Only has one magic signature due to being a merlin.
Enora blooming sweet-brier[34] Reynard
Etienne cedar smoke and limes[35][36]/ lime juice[23] Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Etienne and Chelsea both have tree smoke in their signatures.
Evening Winterrose old, cultivated roses and snow[37] Firstborn of Daoine Sidhe Titania Roses and snow define Eira Rosynhwr's line and lend support to the Snow White legends she inspired; not to be confused with the ice signatures of some Tylwyth Teg.
Garm moss and stagnant water[38] Gwragen Titania
Gilad Windermere Juniper sap and quince[39] Tuatha de Dannan
Gillian Marks As Dóchas Sidhe: fresh-cut grass and blooming primroses[27]

As Selkie:

Flowering fennel and primroses[40]

Dóchas Sidhe Changeling, then Selkie, then Roane Oberon, then Maeve Fresh-cut grass is inherited from Toby's human father.[citation needed] Primroses are an aspect of her Dochas Sidhe heritage.
Ginevra River lupine and limoncello[41] Cait Sidhe, Jibvel's line
Gordan Burning oil[42] Coblynau Changeling At more than 1/2 human ancestry, a human-based signature overpowered any other she might have had, especially as Toby's skills were not as refined at the time. Page 322 of A Local Habitation (ebook) describes it specifically as "burning oil".
Grianne California buckwheat and pepperberry[43] Candela Maeve
Helen mint tea and sugar cookies [21] Hob changeling
Isla Chase Fresh chicory and phlox[44] Selkie Maeve Isla and her brother Rene both have chicory signatures.
January O'Leary Evergreen trees and rain[45]
Jasmine Patel Sunbaked feathers and cool fog[5] Raven-maid Maeve
Jill/Lenet crushed chalk and silver birch[46] Cait Sidhe
Jason Thomas Maple sap and chili peppers[15] Cait Sidhe
Jolgeir heavy paper and pine [47] Cait Sidhe presumably comes from the same Firstborn line (Erda) as Raj
Julie lupines and ginger[48] Cait Sidhe changling
Karen Brown cottonwood and quince[49] Nixie / Hob / Barrow Wight / Changeling
Kirsi sweet sea grass and plankton[50] Cephali Maeve
Kennis mold and char[51] Baobhan Sith
Lily hibiscus and water lilies [17] Undine Maeve Water lilies reflect her Undersea nature and may have contributed to her name.
Li Quin Zhou
  • white hydrangea and undiluted black tea[52]
  • white tea and hydrangea[53]
Shyi Shuai Maeve
Lowri Barley grass and mustard flowers[54] Glastig
Luidaeg Brackish water, of the point where sea meets shore, where freshwater blends with salt; peat moss and loam, like blooming bog myrtle and sweet bluebell... an entire world.[10]

The taste of marshwater and the feeling of wind rolling across the moors[55]

Firstborn of Roane and Selkie Maeve Notably more complex than ordinary fae; it is all these scents at once.

Scent has varied across the different times Toby identified it, possibly due to Toby's sensitivity and possibly actually changing.

Luna Torquill Roses Blodynbryd Titania
Maeve Roses and Southernwood[56] Three Creators of Faerie
Maida Sollys fresh-cooled steel and dry hay[57] Daoine Sidhe, formerly Changeling Titania Steel may signify Maida's changeling origins, inherited from her human parent.
Manuel Lorimer Cinnamon[28] Piskie / Tylwyth Teg / Changeling Maeve Scent pairs well with his sister's apple.
Marlis Davies ice and milfoil (aka fernleaf yarrow)[58] Tylwyth Teg Maeve Ice appears common in the Davies line, while milefoil is a type of yarrow and important to the Tylwyth Teg, who use it to fly.
May Daye ashes and cotton candy[59] Fetch Ashes are the scent of broken illusions.[60] Cotton candy might reflect May's bubbly personality.
Morane wild hyacinth[34] Daoine Sidhe Titania
Nessa Limestone and creeping thistle[5] Gragedd Anwwn Maeve
Nolan Windermere redwood sap and fresh blackberries[61] Tuatha de Dannan Oberon Redwood reflects the Windermere's ties to the redwood forest of Muir Woods, while blackberries seem to be another family trait. Arden's and Nolan's signatures are incredibly similar even though they were born several years apart.
October Daye young, thin-blooded: fresh cut grass and freshly polished copper[citation needed]

older, thin-blooded: cut grass and copper[62]

more fae: cut grass and new copper[citation needed]

mostly fae: cut grass and bloody copper

[citation needed]

Dóchas Sidhe Changeling Oberon Copper indicates Toby's relation to Oberon as a Dochas Sidhe, and tends to be more bloody the further her magic is shifted toward fae. She believes the cut grass is her magic's interpretation of her father's human essence.
Oleander de Merelands Crushed oleanders & sulfuric acid[63] Tuatha de Dannan / Peri Oberon / unknown
Patrick Lorden cranberry blossoms and mayflower[64] Daoine Sidhe Titania
Peter Lorden stonecrop blossoms and young kelp[50] Merrow / Daoine Sidhe Titania
Peter (ALH Computing) Ashes and burnt sugar[65] Pixie Maeve
Queen of the Mists rowan and damp sand[66][67]

Siren removed: Rowan and seashore/the sea/salt rot and petrichor[68]

Rowan, cold/ice, and the sea[69]

Siren / Sea Wight / Banshee
Quentin fresh blooming heather and steel[70][65][23] Daoine Sidhe Titania He inherited heather from his father Aethlin, and steel from his mother Maida.
Raj pepper and burning paper[71][72]

Black pepper and burning leaves[5]

Cait Sidhe (Erda) Titania[73] Tybalt notes that his scent has evolved as he's grown up.[73]
Rayseline Torquill Mixed blood: mustard flowers and hot wax[74]

Pure Daoine Sidhe: hot wax and crushed blackthorn fruit[75]

Daoine Sidhe / Blodynbryd (removed)/ Kitsune (removed) Titania / Maeve (removed) Hot wax reflects her grandfather, Blind Michael, mustard flowers were a reflection of her Blodynbryd and Kitsune nature before Toby removed it
René Lefebvre dried chicory and cypress [44] Selkie Maeve Rene and his sister Isla both have chicory signatures.
Rhys meadowsweet and wine vinegar[58] Tuatha de Dannan Oberon
September Torquill narcissus flowers and sultanas[76]

Pine pitch and apple blossoms[77]

Daoine Sidhe Titania She shares the daffodil (narcissus) scent with Sylvester Torquill.
Simon Torquill Pure: Sweet/waxed whitebeam smoke and mulled cider[78] [8][79]

Corrupted: Candle smoke and rotten oranges[80]

Daoine Sidhe / Changeling (former) Titania Whitebeam and dogwood are both are flowering trees.

His daughter August Torquill inherits the smoke scent.

Siwan Yates Sweet cinquefoil and yarrow[47][citation needed] Tylwyth Teg Maeve Yarrow reflects Tylwyth Teg heritage
Spike Roses and peat moss [81] Rose Goblin Titania Roses reflect his origins from Luna Torquill
Stacy Brown fresh cotton [citation needed] Barrow Wight changeling
Sylvester Torquill dogwood flower and daffodil[82][38][60][83] Daoine Sidhe / Changeling (former) Titania He shares the daffodil scent with his sister September Torquill.

Dogwood and whitebeam (Simon's scent) are both flowering trees.

Treasa Riordan apples and snowdrops[84] Daoine Sidhe Titania Very similar to Eira's signature, perhaps reflecting she is a close descendant or has been magically influenced by her Firstborn.
Tybalt pennyroyal and musk[62] [85][46] Cait Sidhe (Malvic) Oberon Pennyroyal signifies calmness, endurance, and patience.[86] It is also a cousin of catnip.
Unnamed Banshee (Quentin's disguise) common gorse and vetiver[87]
Unnamed character (High Court) Bitter almond and carnation[5] Bitter almonds contain several poisonous compounds, including cyanide.
Unnamed Daoine Sidhe guard (High Court) Chestnut rose and moss[5] Daoine Sidhe Titania
Unnamed Doppelganger (Nessa's imposter) Indefinable decay[5] Doppelganger
Unnamed Redcap hawthorn and ashes [88] Redcap Attacks Toby and Ross as they leave the Tea Gardens
Unnamed Satyr guard Pitch and burnt hay[5] Satyr
Unnamed spellcaster hot oil and ramps[89] Coblynau, possibly created the volume amplification spells at the Conclave for Elf-Shot
Walther Davies ice and common yarrow[58] Tylwyth Teg Maeve Yarrow is common among the Tylwyth Teg, who use it to fly. Ice appears common in the Davies line.

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Fixed Stars.
  2. A Killing Frost, Chapter 8
  3. An Artificial Night, Chapter 13
  4. A Killing Frost, Chapter 9
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 When Sorrows Come, Chapter 9
  6. A Local Habitation, Chapter 19.
  7. Late Eclipses, Chapter 6
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Brightest Fell, Chapter 8
  9. 9.0 9.1 Ashes of Honor, Chapter 8
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Unkindest Tide, Chapter 23
  11. Sleep No More Ch. ?
  12. Once Broken Faith, Chapter 9
  13. A Local Habitation, Chapter 17
  14. Chimes at Midnight, Chapter 9
  15. 15.0 15.1 No Sooner Met
  16. An Artificial Night, Chapter 3
  17. 17.0 17.1 An Artificial Night Ch. 5
  18. An Artificial Night, Chapter 6
  19. One Salt Sea, Chapter 27
  20. The Voice of Lions
  21. 21.0 21.1 Hope is Swift
  22. Dreams and Slumbers
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Ashes of Honor, Chapter 5
  24. Stage of Fools
  25. 25.0 25.1 A Killing Frost, Chapter 1
  26. One Salt Sea Ch. 5
  27. 27.0 27.1 One Salt Sea Ch. 31
  28. 28.0 28.1 Rosemary and Rue Ch. 20
  29. One Salt Sea Ch. 32
  30. One Salt Sea Ch. 15
  31. Drown the Lamenting
  32. Night and Silence Ch. 21
  33. A Local Habitation Ch. 31
  34. 34.0 34.1 Notes of Sorrow
  35. The Brightest Fell, Chapter 5
  36. Night and Silence, Chapter 18
  37. The Winter Long Ch. 13
  38. 38.0 38.1 Late Eclipses Ch. 10
  39. Night and Silence Ch. 22
  40. The Unkindest Tide Ch. 3
  41. Sleep No More Ch. 14
  42. A Local Habitation Ch. 32
  43. Sleep No More Ch. 16
  44. 44.0 44.1 The Unkindest Tide Ch. 16
  45. Sleep No More Ch. 7
  46. 46.0 46.1 Rat-Catcher
  47. 47.0 47.1 A Red-Rose Chain
  48. Strangers in Court, Chapter 2.
  49. Once Broken Faith Ch 1
  50. 50.0 50.1 The Unkindest Tide Ch. 11
  51. Night and Silence Ch. 10
  52. These Antique Fables
  53. Sleep No More Ch. ?
  54. A Red-Rose Chain Ch. 6
  55. Sleep No More Ch. 17
  56. A Killing Frost Ch. ?
  57. Full of Briars
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 A Red-Rose Chain Ch. 7
  59. An Artificial Night Ch. 1, 7, 12, 22
  60. 60.0 60.1 Ashes of Honor Ch. 7
  61. Chimes at Midnight Ch. 27
  62. 62.0 62.1 Rosemary and Rue, Chapter 1.
  63. Late Eclipses, Chapter 11.
  64. Once Broken Faith, Chapter 12
  65. 65.0 65.1 A Local Habitation, Ch. 11
  66. Late Eclipses Ch. 7
  67. ("frozen salt and damp sand" in the Late Eclipses preview included in An Artificial Night ebook)
  68. A Red-Rose Chain Ch. 10
  69. Night and Silence Ch. 9, 10, 15
  70. Rosemary and Rue, Chapter 2.
  71. An Artificial Night, Chapter 9.
  72. Ashes of Honor, Chapter 16
  73. 73.0 73.1 The Innocent Sleep
  74. One Salt Sea Ch. 16
  75. A Killing Frost Ch. 7
  76. Jealous in Honor
  77. With Honest Trifles
  78. The Brightest Fell, Ch. 6
  79. Sleep No More Ch. ?
  80. The Brightest Fell Ch. 7
  81. Rosemary and Rue Ch. 8
  82. A Local Habitation Ch. 2
  83. The Winter Long Ch. 1
  84. Ashes of Honor, Ch. 14
  85. Forbid the Sea.
  86. https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/a-witchs-glossary-of-herbs
  87. When Sorrows Come Ch. 2
  88. Rosemary and Rue Ch. 25
  89. Once Broken Faith Ch. 16