- A Killing Frost
- A Local Habitation
- A Red-Rose Chain
- Aarnivalkea
- Aberforth
- Absalom Shallcross
- Acacia
- Adhene
- Adrianna
- Aes Sidhe
- Aethlin Sollys
- Afanc
- Agnet
- Aine
- Aine (Firstborn)
- Aine (Selkie)
- Ainmire
- Alain
- Alan
- Alazne
- Albany, California
- Albina of Albion
- Aldridge
- Alex Olsen
- Almaden
- Almere
- Amandine
- Amandine's Tower
- Amorica (Firstborn)
- Amphitrite
- An Artificial Night
- Anceline
- And Deeps Below
- And Thrice Again
- And With Reveling
- Andrew Brown
- Anglides
- Anne O'Toole
- Annwn
- Anthony Brown
- Antonio Robinson
- Aoife
- April O'Leary
- Arawn of the White Stag
- Archibald
- Arden Windermere
- Arkan sonney
- Arles
- Armelle
- Artio
- Ashes of Honor
- Asrai
- August Torquill
- Aulay
- Avalon
- Avebury
- Bannick
- Banshee
- Baobhan Sith
- Barbara Lynch
- Barghest
- Barrow Wight
- Bartram
- Bat-Winged Frog
- Be the Serpent
- Beathan
- Belle Fleuve
- Berkeley
- Black Annis
- Blake
- Blessings and Swears
- Bleuzen
- Blind Fosterage
- Blind Michael
- Blind Michael's Realm
- Blodynbryd
- Bogey
- Borderlands
- Bram
- Brannon
- Bridge Troll
- Bridget Ames
- Bridget’s mother
- Brocéliande
- Brown Family Tree
- Brownie
- Bucer O’Malley
- Cagney and Lacey
- Cailin
- Cailin (elder)
- Cailin (younger)
- Cailleach Skerry
- Cait Sidhe
- Caitir
- Cal
- Candela
- Candles and Starlight
- Carl (changeling)
- Carl (police officer)
- Carmichael Kearney
- Carr
- Carwyn
- Cassandra Brown
- Cat in the Rafters
- Celaeno
- Centaur
- Cephali
- Ceres
- Ceryneian Hind
- Cetace
- Chalcedony
- Changeling
- Chantara of Suvannamaccha
- Charles
- Chelsea Ames
- Chimes at Midnight
- Chris McGrath
- Chrysanthe
- Chryseis
- Ci Annwn
- Claude Anthony
- Clement Pemberton
- Cliff Marks
- Coblynau
- Colin Dunne
- Colleen
- Come To Dust
- Connie
- Connor O'Dell
- Content Warnings
- Convocation of Consequences
- Cornelia
- Cornish Pixie
- County of Briarholme
- County of Goldengreen
- County of Tamed Lightning
- County of Twycross
- Court Positions
- Court of Cats
- Crodh Sith
- Cu Sidhe
- Cyne of Londinium
- Daffodil
- Daisy
- Danny MacReady
- Daoine Sidhe
- Dare Lorimer
- Daugherty
- Dawn Winterrose
- Dean Lorden
- Deira
- Denley Windermere
- Devin
- Dewydd
- Dianda Lorden
- Dick Allington
- Distinction of Place
- Diva Ryan
- Divided Courts
- Djinn
- Dobrinya
- Doppelganger
- Dorothy Clark
- Doubtless and Secure
- Dreams and Sighs
- Dreams and Slumbers
- Drown the Lamenting
- Dryad
- Duchy of Bluefish
- Duchy of Dreamer's Glass
- Duchy of Saltmist
- Duchy of Shadowed Hills
- Duchy of Ships
- Duchy of Wild Strawberries
- Dugan Harrow
- Duke Budoc
- Duke Islay
- Dwarf
- Dylan
- Dóchas Sidhe
- Each Uisge
- Ealhstan
- Earth for Charity
- Easgann
- Efa
- Egil
- Eilidh
- Elaine
- Elf-shot
- Elizabeth Ryan
- Elliot
- Ellyllon
- Eloise Altair
- Elsa
- Elton
- Emain Ablach
- Emil
- Emrys
- Enora
- Erda
- Erskina
- Etienne
- Evening Winterrose
- Faerie Bride
- Faerie Holidays
- Faerie Lands and Governments
- Faerie Ointment
- Faerie Roads
- Fairy Ring
- Family Structures in Faerie
- Fanes That Lie
- Faoilitarna
- Faun
- Fear No More
- Fetch
- Ffion
- Fiac
- Firstborn
- Firtha
- Folletti
- Forbid the Sea
- Fuath
- Full of Briars
- Fómhar
- Gabriel
- Galen
- Garm
- Gaëlle
- Gean-Cannah
- Gilad Windermere
- Gillian Marks
- Ginevra Field
- Give Sorrow Words
- Glastig
- Glynis Torquill
- Gnome
- Goblin
- Goblin Fruit
- Golden Gate Park
- Gordan
- Gragedd Anwwn
- Gremlin
- Grianne
- Gwragedd Anwwn
- Gwragen
- Hamadryad
- Hand of Bones
- Harns
- Harpy
- Headscratchers
- Heaps of Pearl
- Heart of Faerie
- Helen
- Helmi
- Heydon of Londinium
- High Kingdom of Albion
- High Kingdom of the Westlands
- Hippocampus
- Hiram
- Hirsent
- Hob
- Holger Yates
- Home
- Honey
- Hope Chest
- Hope is Swift
- Hoshibara
- Huldra
- Hydor
- Ilya
- In Deepest Consequence
- In Little Stars
- In Safety Rest
- In Sea-Salt Tears
- In That Sleep
- Inna
- Instruments of Darkness
- Into the Sea
- Isengrin
- Isla Chase
- Isobel Voss
- Jack Redpath
- Janet Carter
- Janet Family Tree
- January O'Leary
- Jasmine Patel
- Jason Thomas
- Jealous in Honor
- Jessica Brown
- Jibvel
- Jill
- Jin
- Joan O'Connell
- Jocelyn Lewis
- Jolgeir Field
- Jonathan Daye
- Jude
- Julie
- Kabos of Highmountain
- Kamini
- Karen Brown
- Katie
- Keiko Inari
- Kelpie
- Kennis
- Kerry
- Kesali
- Kilmoulis
- King Alban
- Kingdom in the Mists
- Kingdom of Albany
- Kingdom of Angels
- Kingdom of Arkticheskiy
- Kingdom of Armorica
- Kingdom of Ash and Oak
- Kingdom of Beacon's Home
- Kingdom of Camulodunum
- Kingdom of Copper
- Kingdom of Evergreen
- Kingdom of Flag Fen
- Kingdom of Frozen Winds
- Kingdom of Highmountain
- Kingdom of Letauia
- Kingdom of Leucothea
- Kingdom of Londinium
- Kingdom of Opona
- Kingdom of Painted Skies
- Kingdom of Silences
- Kingdom of Starfall
- Kingdom of Suvannamaccha
- Kingdom of Tremont
- Kingdom of Warm Skies
- Kingdom on the Golden Shore
- Kitsune
- Knowe
- Korrigan
- Kyle
- Lamia
- Lampad
- Late Eclipses
- Lenny
- Lettice of Londinium
- Li Qin Zhou
- Libby Field
- Library of the Stars