Dugan Harrow is a courtier of the false Queen of the Mists' court and an unlanded Baron. He is a pureblooded Daoine Sidhe and first appears in Late Eclipses.
Dugan is a standard Daoine Sidhe pureblood tied to the False Queen's court. He believes he is superior to changelings or even animalistic Fae. He is snobby, and Marcia and Lily didn't like him visiting their knowe. As an unlanded Daoine Sidhe, Dugan is ambitious and "anxious in improving his position." He is willing to take advantage of Rayseline's madness to do the dirty work for him, killing fae and kidnapping children in an attempt to overthrow the False Queen of the Mists. His loyalty however changes for whichever is the quickest path to a throne, as seen as when he becomes loyal to the False Queen after spending two weeks in her iron dungeons.
He is a poor fighter, which leads to his eventual capture. Lowri explains that the False Queen refused to train him in combat, but that doesn't stop him from utilising iron knives.
Late Eclipses[]
Dugan visits Toby, notifying her that the False Queen requires her presence. Later, he gleefully carts off Toby to her impending execution.
One Salt Sea[]
Dugan manipulates Raysel into kidnapping Dianda Lorden's sons in an attempt to instigate a war. He also mixes Raysel's elf-shot with mercury to slowly poison their pureblooded victims, which leads to the death of a Selkie under Dianda's fealty. After a confrontation in the Queen's knowe, Toby realises that Dugan is responsible for all the events. After Raysel is elf-shot, Toby visits the false Queen's court and manipulates Dugan into admitting his guilt. Dugan, armed with an iron knife, attempts to murder the False Queen. Etienne disarms him, subduing him by hitting him in the testicles for good measure, and the Queen renders him catatonic with her Banshee magic.
Dianda blames Dugan for the Selkie's death, reasoning that Raysel had no idea that removing her skin would kill her. The False Queen sends Dugan her iron dungeon, and Toby assumes that he is executed.
Night and Silence[]
Before the False Queen was deposed, she released Dugan from the iron cells after only two weeks imprisoned. The time trapped there along with the poisonous influence of iron reinforces his loyalty to the false Queen, and so when she is elf-shot Dugan infiltrates the Kingdom of Silences during the Fall festival as a new cook to rescue her. Together they conspire with the changeling Jocelyn to get close to Gillian and kidnap her for the False Queen, who still wanted to regain her Siren blood. He posed as Jocelyn's boyfriend in an effort to track Gillian's movements enough to kidnap her.
When October reveals at Muir Woods that Gillian survived being elf-shot, Dugan, who was disguised as a server, mistakenly believes that October had shifted her blood again. Enraged, he takes Nolan hostage, using a bottle of King Gilad's magic to teleport away, and orders Toby to restore the False Queen's blood and have Arden abdicate the throne. Toby tells him the truth and stalls long enough for the Queen's guard to corner him, but he releases Nolan and slits his own throat with an iron knife to avoid standing trial. He miraculously survives his suicide attempt and is taken into custody, however is rendered physically mute due to the damage he inflicted on himself.
Queen of the Mists[]
Dugan was loyal to the Queen of the Mists initially. However, after he attempts to assassinate her when it is revealed he masterminded Rayseline's actions during the kidnapping of Dean and Peter Lorden, the False Queen renders him catatonic and traps him in her iron dungeons. After spending a few weeks there, Dugan's loyalty is reinforced.