Devin is the leader and proprietor of Home, a place for troubled changelings trying to distance themselves from the Summerlands. He first appears in Rosemary and Rue.
Devin runs Home, a flophouse and gang for changelings on the edges of fae society - however his treatment of changelings is far from ideal. He is strong for a changeling and a deeply attractive, dangerous man who uses his looks to his best advantage. His charisma leads vulnerable changelings to trust him, and lets him convince them to stay even if they make up their minds to leave him. October says he was both a changeling and a mixed-blood, which means he has several fae heritages[1], but she cannot say what: she only speculates that he may have Lamia blood. He also has a temper, and rarely gives second chances to people who disappoint him. He can also be remarkably smug.[2]
Devin's office is grimy, down to the wall paper and couch. It is also well lit and unchanged from 14 years previous when Toby visits. The only additions are more papers and more photos of kids who've come Home to stay on the bulletin board behind the desk.[3]
He drives a battered Ford Taurus.
Despite Devin generally not caring if his kids were addicted to drugs, he had a zero-tolerance policy for goblin fruit, and worked hard to keep the stuff out of the Mists.[4]
Devin has a face of a Greek god, thick wavy golden hair, and purple eyes with lines of white like flower petals.[5]
Devin arrived in the Mists before the 1906.[6] Prior to 1910, Devin started preventing goblin fruit from being sold in the Mists.[7]
In the 1950s, Devin managed to stop Luidaeg from getting burned at the stake. She lets him believe she has been in his debt ever since, in order make him careful of what he requests of her.[8][9]
Devin was Toby's mentor and first lover. It was common knowledge among all of Home's kids that Toby was Devin's favourite. He allows Stacy and Mitch to leave Home to get married and have a family, but objects when Toby asks the same of him.[10] They had a large fight when Toby announced her engagement to Cliff Marks and pregnancy with Gillian. Devin demanded Toby delay her marriage until the danger of Gillian going through the Changeling's Choice had passed.[3] Toby refused and left. After Toby's disappearance, Devin and the residents of Home searched for her for ten years.
In the Series[]
Strangers in Court[]
Although he gives Stacy and Mitch permission to leave his service with little fight, Devin challenges Toby making the same request to start a family with Cliff Marks. He makes a bargain to release Toby if she can get the pureblood fae to acknowledge her publicly. When she becomes a knight of the realm, he grudgingly releases her.
Rosemary and Rue[]
Toby goes to Home to ask Devin's help. She makes a bargain to pay whatever is required for that help. [3] He's waiting on her steps after she returns from Lily's Tea Gardens in Danny's taxi—she'd been shot a second time but the Redcap. Devin patches her up and they make love. He kept trying to talk her out of seeking Evening Winterrose's killers. [11] Devin was laying into Dare Lorimer and Manuel Lorimer for not being there sooner when Toby was attacked by a Doppelganger in her house. Toby came too and told him they both got there in time and saved her life.[12]
Devin told Toby he called the Luidaeg to heal her from iron poisoning and serious blood loss to clear up a debt she owed him. He also said he called Sylvester for her.[2] Devin's reason for having the Luidaeg heal Toby he said to her: "I’m not done with her yet. She hasn’t found it. Now heal her, or I’ll see you burn!".[8] Toby rides the blood memories of the assassin that Devin sent after Toby learning that he wanted the Hope Chest and her dead.[13] She went Home, bringing the gun with the iron bullets. Toby learns that he wants the Hope Chest to have the lifespan of the purebloods. There was a tussle ending with Devin killing Dare, the former psychotically blaming Toby for his killing of the latter, and Manuel Lorimer killing Devin. Toby and Manny leave the room so the Night-haunts could do their job.[14]
A Local Habitation / One Salt Sea / Chimes at Midnight / Once Broken Faith[]
Devin appears to Toby as a night-haunt while she is trying to solve the murders in ALH Computing, when she searches for Dean and Peter Lorden, and at the conclave of monarchs in the Westlands. He retains much of his personality, remaining haughty and disdainful of Toby's various choices, however comforts Toby when Rayseline kidnaps Gillian. Egil, the night-haunt wearing Devin's face, was particularly furious at Toby for allowing goblin-fruit to spread throughout the Mists in epidemic proportions, contributing to the amount of changelings that died. Although the night-haunts are sufficiently fed, Egil feels remorse at the amount of Fae that had to die.
Evening Winterrose[]
Evening was a benefactor of Home, keeping it from being eliminated by disgruntled purebloods. Devin claimed to respect and appreciate her, but he secretly envied her hope chest. He killed her in order to steal the chest and make himself pureblooded fae and therefore gain respect, but he failed on both counts. He was unaware of Evening's true nature as a Firstborn and someone who despised changelings enough to tailor elf-shot into killing them.
October Daye[]
October was Devin's favourite child he rescued and took into Home. Although Toby had some romantic interest towards Devin, Devin was however both kind and cruel to her as he was with other changeling children he rescued, holding favours over her head in exchange for his help. Devin however was willing to manipulate Toby into finding the hope chest Evening held for him, hiring a Goblin and a Doppleganger to kill her when she got too close, then patching up her wounds and subsequently calling in a debt with the Luidaeg to heal her in order to gain her trust.
- "I felt his hand brush my knee. The gesture was so much something Devin would have done when he was alive, before he went crazy, that I stopped being able to keep my tears from falling." [1]
- "My old mentor, Devin, fancied himself a cross between Fagin and Peter Pan—a thief and con man with an army of eternal children to do his bidding."[4]
- When Devin redeemed his debt from the Luidaeg to save Toby's life, he said: "I'm not done with her yet. She hasn't found it. Now heal her, or I'll see you burn!"[15]
- Devin's fae heritage "will be important later."
- After his death, Egil the night haunt wears his face.[7]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 One Salt Sea
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Rosemary and Rue, ch. 20.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Rosemary and Rue, ch. 7.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Ashes of Honor
- ↑ Strangers in Court, Chapter 5.
- ↑ The Winter Long, Chapter 9.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Chimes at Midnight, Chapter 1.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Rosemary and Rue, ch. 23.
- ↑ A Killing Frost
- ↑ Strangers in Court
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 16.
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 19.
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 25.
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue, ch. 26.
- ↑ Rosemary and Rue Ch. 24