October Daye Wiki
October Daye Wiki

Dawn Winterrose is the daughter of Eira Rosynhwyr and believed by most to be the sister of Evening Winterrose. Many of the facts about Dawn's life appear contradictory, though other characters do not seem to notice the discrepancies.

She first appears in the Patreon story The Ambitious Ocean. She is only mentioned in the main novels.



Dawn is presumed Daoine Sidhe by most ordinary fae, most of whom believe the same of her "mother." Enough time has passed from the creation of the race that it is not definite; Dawn may be an entirely different but similar race in similar fashion to the Dóchas Sidhe.[1] Eira, as Evening, passes Dawn off as her sister and Dawn is the recognized heir to Goldengreen while she is alive.[2]


Her name reflects her appearance; she is summer to Evening's winter, all warm pinks and oranges.[2] She has pale skin with rose-pink hair and eyes. She is incredibly beautiful.


Dawn is considered graceful, kind, and well-liked by all the fae. She seems to enjoy spending time in the shade of roses, which complement her coloring. At one point she comments that people always come to visit her sister, but never to see her, and seems rather petulant about it.[3] At another time, she seems to have "shunned the King's halls for their disarray and unruliness," although she was still "a sweet soul to hang one's time upon."[4]


Early Life[]

According to the Luidaeg, Dawn was born out of Eira's jealous spite of Amandine having a child even though the Firstborn had agreed to step away from ordinary fae.[5]

Born after Amandine's daughter August, Dawn should be 15 or younger when Patrick Lorden encounters her in 1841. However, Patrick refers to her as a woman and wonders if Evening is trying to make a marriage between himself and Dawn.[2]


In 1992, Toby says Dawn died "20 years ago" under "mysterious circumstances." When Dawn dies, the other purebloods pretend she had never existed, supposedly due to their refusal to acknowledge their own mortality. Evening was more important in fae society before Dawn's death; her seemingly excessive mourning led her to be uninvited to many noble fae circles. But Evening "told anyone willing to listen--including [Amandine]--that her sister had been murdered, that her sister had been real, had been a real person who deserved to be remembered, to be talked about, and mourned for." When the Queen of the Mists's knowe then caves in on itself, Evening goes into the wreckage to retrieve Dawn's memorial globe, which appears as a fluttering butterfly trapped in glass. After rescuing Evening, Toby finds a new knowe for the Queen. [6]

In 2009, Toby says Dawn has been dead "almost 20 years."[7] Toby remembers seeing Evening incredibly emotional over it, but only for a short period of time.[8] Toby also remembers that Evening took a while to remove Dawn's coat of arms from the walls of Goldengreen.[9]

In 2013, Toby says that the Queen of the Mists had put out word that she was seeking a new knowe. Toby had intended to find a new knowe for the Queen in order to get into her good graces and keep Gillian safe. Then Dawn was found dead by her Evening, and "a simple real estate search had turned into a hunt for a murderer." Toby found "the man with the knife" as well as a thin spot between the mortal Earth and the Summerlands that would become the Queen's knowe.[10]

In the Series[]

The Ambitious Ocean[]

In 1841, Dawn meets Patrick Lorden when he visits Goldengreen and escorts him to Evening. Patrick wonders with some horror whether Evening tried to break up his courtship with Dianda in order to match him with Dawn instead.

And Thrice Again[]

Dawn meets Simon Torquill when he visits Goldengreen. She pouts that everyone comes to visit Evening and never to see her. She makes him promise to hold a ball in her honor.


  • The conflicting information about Dawn's death has led many in the online fan community to theorize that there is more to Dawn than first appears.
  • Dawn is very, very dead.

